The Offer
Direct Link to offer (affiliate links here and below)
- Amazon is selling a Microsoft 365 Family (12 month Microsoft Office subscription for 6 users) for $99.99. Plus you get a free $50 Amazon gift card.
Our Verdict
Not as good as the recent deal for $92.95.  This used to be called Microsoft Office 365 Home and now is rebranded to Microsoft 365 Family. It offers 6 people a 12-month Microsoft Office subscription for $99 which is the regular price, and with this deal you get a bonus $50 Amazon physical gift card thrown in free and a further discount.
I would much rather have a software that is installed on my computer and not cloud based. Also one that I don’t have to pay an annual subscription fee. I recently purchased what I consider to be a great deal — lifetime license for one user for Microsoft Office Professional 2021 for $39.99
Even at $148 price point this is a pretty good deal. We have 4 devices at home/business so it pays for itself.
Currently shows $148.88 for the bundle. Too bad.
Can I just hold this subscription and activate it in a few months or do I need to activate it right away?
If I recall correctly from last time I did it, you can purchase and activate now and you will get the remaining time on your current subscription and the full year will start after that. So mine ends in March and will start again in March.
If you work for a big company, check to see if you qualify for the Microsoft Workplace discount which used to be called the Home Use program. I get 365 family for only $69/year. Plus even if I leave the company, I can keep the discount as long as I keep auto-renewal on.
Reminder that Amazon office 365 subscription are unique and can’t stack with those from Microsoft itself, Newegg, etc. I even read problems about Amazon subscriptions not stacking correctly on itself. Conversely I stacked five years through Newegg promos on my Microsoft account no problem, paying around $50 a year after promos (which is a good value since I use the 6tb of onedrive space, the office is just a side benefit)
Libreoffice is free:
The smarter deal here is to buy the 1-person plan for several years, and then use the family plan to convert your 1-person plan to a family plan by just buying the last year.
Look at this comment for more:
I wish Amazon would sell out their Amazon Basics and Amazon Essentials stuff quickly instead….
There’re many ways to get Office not just through Amazon