Amazon: Apple Macbook Air M3 2024 For $849 (reg. $1,099) & More

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Our Verdict

These are excellent deals on the newest Macbook Air at $250 discount, and they are significantly cheaper than even when comparing to the Apple Education store pricing. We’ll add this to our dedicated Prime Day coverage post (constantly updated). 

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Wick (@guest_1875422)
July 16, 2024 01:23

2024 and Apple still offers 8GB of RAM on base modal wow. You cant barely browse facebook with that 😀

Avi (@guest_1875533)
July 16, 2024 08:40

That’s an uneducated exaggerated unhelpful comment right there. I too am no fan of Apple selling 8GB Macs, but in reality, 8GB is sufficient for most non-power users out there.

rophy (@guest_1875610)
July 16, 2024 11:36

if you aren’t browsing facebook within a docker container you’re doing it wrong

Teri (@guest_1875632)
July 16, 2024 12:05

Yes, but not 256GB storage. 256GB laptops have been the base configuration for over a decade. A few hours of 4K video will take up all available storage.

Fisherman (@guest_1875667)
July 16, 2024 12:59

There’s one in every thread 🙄

Most people don’t use more than 8GB. Unless you’re using the RAM-hog that is Chrome that is.

Another Jeff
Another Jeff (@guest_1875369)
July 15, 2024 22:48

Daily reminder to buy Apple stock.+256gb and +8gb costs them $50 max to produce. Cash cow

Celia (@guest_1875383)
July 15, 2024 23:26

My advisor years ago wanted me to sell my Apple stock in my retirement account. Mighty glad I never listened to him.

Anton (@guest_1875393)
July 15, 2024 23:56

For a good investment you generally need two conditions:

  1. Find a good company
  2. Buy the stock at a good price

I think most can agree that Apple is a good company. The main question is about the second part. They are paying 0.43% dividend, so if Apple stops growing and continue paying the same rate, it will take you 230 years to get even on your investment and start making money. Exaggerated example, but my point is that everyone should think critically. There are no obvious bargains in the market. Everything is priced in.

JD (@guest_1875439)
July 16, 2024 01:55

“There are no obvious bargains in the market. Everything is priced in.”
Value investors would respectfully disagree.

Teri (@guest_1875636)
July 16, 2024 12:06

OK. Which stocks have the best dividend yields on a consistent basis?

JD (@guest_1875707)
July 16, 2024 13:55

Right now I like MO and BTI, but there’s always the risk new govt tobacco regulations could crush the stock price. Also, business develop corps like ARCC, MAIN, PSEC etc consistently offer high yields.

People will tell you don’t chase the highest %s, so if you want true consistency look up dividend aristocrats and dividend kings.

Sebastian (@guest_1876203)
July 17, 2024 10:30

I’m not sure what the value of your hypothetical is… companies won’t magically stop growing, and they won’t magically only ever have a dividend either. Apple’s buyback program has a better return alone than some companies have altogether.