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game (@guest_1865117)
June 26, 2024 12:22

Link just shows regular page doesn’t mention 15 off.

June 26, 2024 14:27

It’s showing in the press release.
I don’t think there’s a landing page for the deal. I’ll add the link to the post

Celia 🔗
Celia 🔗 (@guest_1865066)
June 26, 2024 10:30

There definitely are more employees than customers in the store, most of whom are shopping for online orders. Feels like one of those warehouse places that caters to online but open to the public.

I go there a lot for Amazon GC and pick up one or two things while I’m there but they just don’t have the inventory for $75 worth of normal grocery for me. When I drop off returns, they offer $2 off $10 and that’s even a struggle sometimes. While I won’t use the big coupon, I will take advantage of some of the individual Prime Day deals there. I see some items, like pasta, being 30% off. Have a current Chase offer to get a gift card so stopping anyway.

I do miss the $20 off $40 coupons they ran weekly when they first opened.

Gerald (@guest_1865151)
June 26, 2024 13:29

Your local store has Amazon GC? I inquired at my local store quite a while ago, and they said they didn’t. It may be time to ask again.

Celia 🔗
Celia 🔗 (@guest_1865159)
June 26, 2024 13:50

Gerald Really? Seems strange they wouldn’t have their own gift cards in stock. There’s no shortage of them at mine. They used to have more variety, now it’s just the black envelope or occasion box.

Queue_Underflow (@guest_1865391)
June 26, 2024 22:43

No gift cards at my local Amazon Fresh either.

Celia 🔗
Celia 🔗 (@guest_1865403)
June 26, 2024 23:13

The variable AGC are at the end cap of registers at mine. I’ll consider myself lucky since you’re the second person to say it.

Bret (@guest_1865212)
June 26, 2024 15:38

A majority of fresh facilities aren’t open to the public and are legitimately just a warehouse of groceries

Celia 🔗
Celia 🔗 (@guest_1865369)
June 26, 2024 22:01

Maybe some are but the three nearest me are actual grocery stores and advertise as such. Rarely are there customers, maybe two or three every time I go there. There is such so much competition. Within a 5 mile radius, I have at least 7 major grocery stores and a handful of smaller ones.

Tommy (@guest_1869281)
July 3, 2024 21:39

No gift cards here at the north Jersey location either. The worker told me to go check next door at the Best Buy for Amazon gift cards lol

Jack (@guest_1865063)
June 26, 2024 10:24

They should partner with Instacart to deliver!!! Best for 3 worlds! Theirs and ours

G (@guest_1865067)
June 26, 2024 10:30

No business should do anything just because we got discounted instacart GC. Amazon is big enough to have built its own grocery delivery.

Jack (@guest_1865152)
June 26, 2024 13:34

I agree. After that, Amazon should buy Instacart

Hacker (@guest_1870223)
July 5, 2024 18:41

Sorry Jack, Amazon can wreck Instacart if it wanted to

G (@guest_1865056)
June 26, 2024 10:15

in store only, no?

June 26, 2024 10:19

I think so, clarified now