Update 7/12/23: Not sure why but if you add buy one, get one free products it’s making it all even cheaper or free (e.g some people are getting $120+ worth of stuff for free). A lot of the BOGO stuff is sold out, but still some available. More info in this SD thread.
The Offer
Direct link to offer (our affiliate link)
- Amazon Fresh is offering $20 off $100+ when you order on Prime day using promo code FRESHSAVE20. You also get another $20 off $100+ that can be used 8/1-8/31
Our Verdict
This is another Prime day promo. There is another current promotion for 20% off.
What’s the promo code for $20 off from 8/1 to 8/31?
Just order physical gift cards?
idk how I can buy $100 worth of fresh groceries since I don’t have a huge family. Any suggestions how to take advantage of this deal for people like me?
They sell packaged stuff too, even random things like Swiffers
lol @ 0 comments. guess no one else has a Fresh store near them either?
This deal is for online Fresh.
No, it’s for use at a local Fresh store.
There are two offers. The $20 offer is for online order.
“Ordering Fresh online? Prime members save up to $40 on grocery delivery. Get $20 off your $100+ Amazon Fresh order on Prime Day. Then, get $20 off your next $100+ shop from 8/1-8/31 (applicable to those who redeem the first offer).”
oic. thanks for the heads up
It’s for Amazon Fresh which is online
Even with fresh stores nearby, the prices there are all so marked up that it’s not really worth it (in my area at least.)
Fresh is cheaper than Safeway/Fred Myer in my area.