Amazon Fresh: $20 Off $100+ & $20 Off A Future Purchase Of $100+ (Prime Day)

Update 7/12/23: Not sure why but if you add buy one, get one free products it’s making it all even cheaper or free (e.g some people are getting $120+ worth of stuff for free). A lot of the BOGO stuff is sold out, but still some available. More info in this SD thread.

The Offer

Direct link to offer (our affiliate link)

  • Amazon Fresh is offering $20 off $100+ when you order on Prime day using promo code FRESHSAVE20. You also get another $20 off $100+ that can be used 8/1-8/31

Our Verdict

This is another Prime day promo. There is another current promotion for 20% off.

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Naddi (@guest_1663660)
August 1, 2023 05:41

What’s the promo code for $20 off from 8/1 to 8/31?

JTNYV (@guest_1664607)
August 2, 2023 09:53


David B
David B (@guest_1651744)
July 11, 2023 18:39

Just order physical gift cards?

Frank (@guest_1651688)
July 11, 2023 17:17

idk how I can buy $100 worth of fresh groceries since I don’t have a huge family. Any suggestions how to take advantage of this deal for people like me?

Jon (@guest_1651703)
July 11, 2023 17:34

They sell packaged stuff too, even random things like Swiffers

glenn (@guest_1640245)
June 23, 2023 09:36

lol @ 0 comments. guess no one else has a Fresh store near them either?

Frey (@guest_1640256)
June 23, 2023 09:58

This deal is for online Fresh.

Tommy (@guest_1644834)
June 30, 2023 16:17

No, it’s for use at a local Fresh store.

Jon (@guest_1651702)
July 11, 2023 17:33

There are two offers. The $20 offer is for online order.

“Ordering Fresh online? Prime members save up to $40 on grocery delivery. Get $20 off your $100+ Amazon Fresh order on Prime Day. Then, get $20 off your next $100+ shop from 8/1-8/31 (applicable to those who redeem the first offer).”

Frey (@guest_1651711)
July 11, 2023 17:46

Tommy THIS deal is for online Fresh. In store Fresh is 25% off $50 order for Prime Day (

Tommy (@guest_1651813)
July 11, 2023 19:40

oic. thanks for the heads up

Jessica Mercer
Jessica Mercer (@guest_1652407)
July 12, 2023 15:08

It’s for Amazon Fresh which is online

Ali (@guest_1651651)
July 11, 2023 16:43

Even with fresh stores nearby, the prices there are all so marked up that it’s not really worth it (in my area at least.)

SS (@guest_1653198)
July 13, 2023 15:54

Fresh is cheaper than Safeway/Fred Myer in my area.