(Update 12/25/23: Deal is back, spend $50 and get $15 this time. Updated below.)
There are two deals ongoing that stack nicely:
- (Direct Amazon Link – contains our affiliate) Amazon is offering a bonus
$25$15 Amazon credit when you buy $50$100in select P&G items.Use promo code PGSTOCKUP orit should apply automatically if you clicked the link. Includes Bounty, Tide, Charmin, Pampers, Downy, Always, Crest, Pampers, and many more P&G items. The Amazon promotional credit will expire on 3/31/2024. - (Direct P&G Link) P&G is offering a $15 rebate Visa when you buy $50 in select P&G items, including Tide, Downy, Gain, Crest and more. Valid 10/1/23 – 12/31/23. Limit 2 per household.
There is lots of overlap between the two promotions, such as Tide, Dawn, Cascade, etc. The Amazon promo is limited to being done once per Amazon account while the P&G can be done twice per household. If you click the promo link, you should see the offer reflected on the checkout page. (If you try inputting the promo code it’ll error out since the promo is already attached and showing.)
The P&G rebate comes back every few months. Even those who did it before should be able to do this another time for this October-December offer. A reader gave us a tip for submitting Amazon purchases with P&G by using this converter tool from ASIN to UPC. That worked for me, and I’ve already received my rebate gift card a while back for the prior deal.
The Amazon or P&G deal can also be good deals on their own, even if you can’t find an overlapping product which is eligible for both (e.g. for me that would something like Bounty paper towels). You can also buy $50 in P&G products along with $50 of other eligible products and trigger both deals.
You can also get additional discounts using Shop With Points deals; just be sure your discounts don’t bring you below $50 at which point you’ll lose the $15 P&G rebate.
How do I know if I did receive the promotional credit from Amazon? I haven’t seen anything yet.
I found my answer:
I’ve got $15 off $50 when I search for a P&G product and then see what offers show up – https://www.amazon.com/promotion/psp/A762HMWBLGFYC
That just changed. I’ll update, thanks
Already expired
Link is not working
Updated now
There is also another deal: add four items get $10. That one is showing up in the cart. Code not working for $20, and it’s a crapshoot whether you’ll get the $15.
Cannot get that bar across the top to move off zero.
I lost the complete list of items eligible (P&G rebate). I think it was a website/printable pdf. Anyone still have it?
The ticker at the top is still reading $0 as I add stuff to my cart, code is saying not valid when added to the cart. Is this one per household ever? I did a similar one in summer 2021?
Same here. The ticker reads $0 no matter what I add.
PGSTOCKUP shows invalid
I’m not sure if it needs a promo code now. I think clicking through the link will work.
why won’t the P&G website accept the UPC barcode for this damn 40 roll bounty paper towel box?!!!
The Bounty brand is not part of this rebate.