Amazon: Kleenex, Bounty, Puffs, Toilet Paper Now Available

Amazon has some Kleenex, Bounty, Puffs, and toilet paper available. (affiliate links below)

These have been sold out lately. All of these are sold by Amazon themselves and are thus eligible for the 20-40% shop-with-points discount.

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D Wilson
D Wilson (@guest_972334)
May 5, 2020 06:41

Great, let’s give $1200 check to Amazon. (add more billions to JEFF THE BOZO )

Jake (@guest_972234)
May 5, 2020 00:29

$40 for some paper towels? :/

mk712 (@guest_972324)
May 5, 2020 06:01

The point of this post is not to advertise a great price but to advertise those items being in stock. Yes, that’s a bit expensive (Amazon itself tells me I paid $30 for that exact same item back in May 2018).

But right now I’d rather pay $40 and not leave my place than go from store to store during a shelter in place order to maybe find some in stock and have to carry them home, all in the hopes of saving a few bucks.

If the stores in your area are stocked, and if you have a car to carry those home, then this post isn’t for you. That’s not the case for everybody though.

767 (@guest_972233)
May 5, 2020 00:28

Thanks. Not the cheapest compared to costco or bj’s but worth it to avoid the hassle of going.