Amazon Payments To No Longer Do P2P Transactions Starting October 13th, 2014

In case you haven’t already heard, Amazon Payments will be scraping person to person payments October 13th, 2014.

Our Verdict

You still have two months left to use this service, which you can use to rack up $2,000 in free and easy manufactured spending. Also keep in mind that last year Amazon Payments counted as an online purchase for Discover it’s Q4 rotating 5% category, unfortunately this year you’ll only be able to do $1,000 in spend but that’s still a handy little $50.

It’s a shame to see this option for easy manufactured spending disappear, for a lot of people Amazon Payments was their first dip into this hobby. It was extremely accessible and the in built limits helped it from being abused by those trying to run massive amounts of volume.

Since the announcement that person to person transfers would be discontinued, there has been a lot of blame being thrown around and finger pointing going on. As usual the blogs have copped the brunt of this criticism.

The problem with that is Amazon Payments is scrapping person to person payments altogether, if people who were doing manufactured spending were the real cause of this announcement then Amazon would’ve simply added a credit card fee that covered the processing fees (usually 2-3%). Instead they’ve scrapped person to person payments altogether.

There are still a lot of options out there for those wanting to manufacture credit card spend. Deals come & go, Amazon Payments was one of the great methods due to it’s accessibility and underpants factor. RIP.

Hat tip to DansDeals

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Parker (@guest_27982)
September 16, 2014 15:50

Weak. Underwear MS is the only way to go in my opinion. MS buying VGC’s and the whole conversion process plus occasional hassle from retailers and risk of funds getting jacked once loaded is not worth it.

Credit Card Joint
Credit Card Joint (@guest_27046)
September 12, 2014 02:25

You are so funny! Every word in your title linked to a different blogger!