Amazon Personal Cards: Get A Further 10% Back On Amazon Devices

The Offer

Direct link to offer (our affiliate link, but don’t forget you could use a portal

  • Amazon personal credit and store cardholders can get a further 10% back on Amazon devices for Black Friday

Our Verdict

Some of these devices are heavily discounted already, so this extra 10% cash back is nice (it’s really 5% as you normally earn 5% on Amazon purchases anyway). Keep in mind most portals pay out at a high rate on Amazon devices, so while we appreciate the support using our links doesn’t make sense. For example Topcashback is 10% back on Amazon devices. For a full list of ways to save on Amazon, click here.

Hat tip to reader JDS

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NinjaX (@guest_676980)
November 22, 2018 17:08

this is how you infiltrate every home on the planet…

Davy (@guest_677069)
November 22, 2018 19:45

Count me in for every room, please.

MarkDavison (@guest_676970)
November 22, 2018 17:00

Fire devices go on sale tomorrow so wait til then. 7 inch base model will be $29.99, so another $3 will be nice.

qmc (@guest_677001)
November 22, 2018 17:33

Too bad we couldn’t stack this with the … could have saved another 10 cents!


lenin1991 (@guest_677023)
November 22, 2018 18:11

You actually could have stacked it, the Dot credit is valid until Nov 30

And actually, since the dot is so cheap now, you would have saved the $1 out of pocket entirely.

anon (@guest_676961)
November 22, 2018 16:51

when did this begin?