Amazon Prime: Fire 7 Tablets From $29.99 (Free With Shop-With-Points Deals)

(added links to the Kids tablets)

The Offer

Direct Link to offer (affiliate links here and below)

Amazon released an early Prime Day sale on Fire Tablets:

This deal is for both primary and household Prime members. We don’t know how long it’ll last.

Our Verdict

For some reason, when you stack this deal with Shop With Points deals, the savings comes off the initial price rather than the final price. For example, if you have a shop-with-points deal for 50% off, you should be able to get the 32gb tablet for free or the 16gb tablet for $4.99. If you have 40% off, you should be able to get the 32gb tablet for free or the 16gb tablet for $9.99.

Here’s a link to all of the live Shop-With-Points deals and our posts on them:

Even without the Shop With Points stack, this is a good price for cheap tablets which often come in handy for kids or as a gift.

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Dave (@guest_1405105)
July 6, 2022 00:05

These tablets are fine for casual use. My wife and I each have one that we use for streaming. We use another one mounted to the wall as the parent side of a baby monitor, and also as a permanent Google Calendar so we can see what’s on our schedule at a glance.

I certainly wouldn’t try using them for gaming or anything, but for our purposes they work great.

Jenny (@guest_1405038)
July 5, 2022 20:20

These any good? I’ve a 2 yo grandkid.

ben #2
ben #2 (@guest_1404997)
July 5, 2022 18:48

I have a 2018 fire 8 and i’m impressed with it. I stream shows and movies on it daily and have over 1,000 hours on it. The touch screen is starting to not respond and starting to have charging problems. If they came out with a new version of the 7 or 8 , i’d buy another fire hd

Andy (@guest_1404974)
July 5, 2022 17:27

These tablets suck and are only good for children if you hate your kids.

PB (@guest_1404996)
July 5, 2022 18:45

I bought a refurbished one and it is perfectly fine for us. Granted, we just download some shows & movies for plane rides and really only use it for that. Also got it for $30 – totally worth it.

TD (@guest_1404969)
July 5, 2022 17:12

for general tablet use – dont bother. if kindle reading, does the job… but will recommend the paperwhite more

Carlos (@guest_1404947)
July 5, 2022 16:13


Ig (@guest_1404942)
July 5, 2022 16:07

I have an 8 inch version and they are barely usable because of how infuriatingly slow these tablets are. Would be fine as a makeshift echo show but that’s as much as I would want one for.

P (@guest_1404911)
July 5, 2022 14:54

These tablets suck – not worth it.

shaw (@guest_1404917)
July 5, 2022 15:07

you are right, really bad tablets.