American Express has added new language to the Morgan Stanley Platinum card that now reads:
You may not be eligible to receive a welcome offer if you have or have had this Card, the Platinum Card®, the Platinum Card® from American Express Exclusively for Charles Schwab or previous versions of these Cards. You also may not be eligible to receive a welcome offer based on various factors, such as your history with credit card balance transfers, your history as an American Express Card Member, the number of credit cards that you have opened and closed and other factors. If you are not eligible for a welcome offer, we will notify you prior to processing your application so you have the option to withdraw your application.
Similar language was already on the vanilla version of the Platinum card and Charles Schwab card but this is new to Morgan Stanley. Hilton personal, business and Delta business cards are now the only ones that don’t have similar language. I’d expect that to be added soon on those cards as well unless there is something in the cobranded agreement that prevents it.
Morgan Stanley was offering 5% on savings accounts in January. I got busy & forgot to follow up with the branch representative 😭
Now it’s not worth opening a Morgan Stanley Platinum for me. It does save one $195 towards the first authorized user, but the vanilla Amex Platinum retention offers make up for it anyway.
A Morgan Stanley brokerage account doesn’t seem to be worth it to me anymore.
I believe Morgan Stanley is losing out on the opportunity to have more deposits accounts. Or maybe $25k per account is just a drop in the ocean for them.
I was lazy & missed out on this opportunity 😭
The American Express Train has officially come to an halt.
Amex seems determined to turn itself into another Cap1
Ha! I told you! Early bird eats the worm.
was thinking about signing up the MS cards for myself and my family members next month. Bastard, Amex.
Welp, glad I signed up for my 3rd MS Plat bonus back in Nov. I Wonder if they’ll add similar language to the MS BCP, too…?
How did you sign up for a 3rd bonus with the once in a lifetime rule?
it didn’t apply to the MS plat
Lifetime language doesn’t apply most times. P2 got 3 Amex Biz Platinusms in 2023 and could have gotten a fourth but the $15k spend and $695 fee is a lot and I think I have everything I ever wanted from Dell.
The MS Plat never had it, I remember noticing it back in 2014 and signing up for a bunch of them.
It is added to the MS BCP also.
Sure is
The roof is caving in….