American Express Brings Back ‘Rose Gold’, Gold Card

In 2019 American Express introduced a limited time version of the American Express Gold card in Rose Gold. American Express has now brought back the Rose Gold colorway. Unfortunately if you apply now you no longer get the $100 airline credit you would have received if you applied yesterday. Existing customers should be able to request a Rose Gold card by chatting with an American Express rep.

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REJECTION (@guest_1164015)
March 20, 2021 22:05

damn! got the window saying i will not get the SUB. should i spend more using my existing amex cards to overcome this? i have a amex everyday preferred card, which has AF. Cannot believe amex thinks I am not bringing profit to them lol.

Benny Aguilar
Benny Aguilar (@guest_1140119)
February 5, 2021 09:58

I would like to upgrade from the Green card, but I’m scared of RAT action since I got 7500 MR pts retention offer in NOV-20 to keep the card and pay the $150 AF. Any idea if I will be subject to clawback or some form or RAT action?

Victor (@guest_1140207)
February 5, 2021 11:53

You cannot cancel or downgrade, but no language talks about you cannot upgrade.

Elise (@guest_1139919)
February 4, 2021 22:05

The rose gold color irl is so feint that it looks like the plat in dark lighting.

J (@guest_1139827)
February 4, 2021 20:01

The only ‘rose gold’ of this card is in the pictures. Intentional deception; nothing surprising coming from amx.

More akin to baby shit. This nicu nurse (and former ‘rose gold’ holder) knows of what they speak. 🙂

adam (@guest_1139453)
February 4, 2021 13:31

This card has made a come back, at least 3 times now. That being said, I do have one in my wallet. The color is actually a bit disappointing compared to what you would expect. Instead of a vibrant rose gold, it looks more like copper in real life, unless you shine it directly under a bright light, Oh well

Chris (@guest_1139474)
February 4, 2021 14:06

Agree – I wish they’d come up with a new shade option already

Y R (@guest_1139432)
February 4, 2021 12:41

Am a existing regular Gold holder and called Amex just now. Apparently this is a product change, so if you haven’t used the $100 airline credit yet, you will lose the benefit. Best course of action is to get the credit, then switch to gold. As for how long the Rose Gold promo is active for, the rep didn’t know.

Ost023 (@guest_1139545)
February 4, 2021 15:25

Switched via chat with rep and was assured that airline credit will remain.

Viv (@guest_1139619)
February 4, 2021 16:27

Damn this looks like a trap set up by amex now. Releasing the rose gold today so that existing users do the product change and lose the airline credit

Viv (@guest_1139630)
February 4, 2021 16:36

is it possible to reverse the switch?

Xai (@guest_1140029)
February 5, 2021 02:37

Just spoke to an agent via chat and they verified that no benefits will change when asking to switch from the Gold to Rose Gold.

Andy (@guest_1139430)
February 4, 2021 12:36

It’s a trap! They’re just looking for one more way for the RAT team find us (not that it’s that hard).

…[goes to change color anyways]

Aaron (@guest_1139462)
February 4, 2021 13:49

what does the color of the card have anything to do with abusing rewards?

Andy (@guest_1139582)
February 4, 2021 15:54

Applying first day is probably highly correlated to reading the blogs that (in some cases) might lead to abuse.

…and my comment was mostly in jest.

Jared (@guest_1139420)
February 4, 2021 12:25

After a quick chat online, I was able to order a Rose Gold to replace my standard Gold metal card. It will arrive in 7-10 business days. My card number will remain the same.

Lou (@guest_1140045)
February 5, 2021 04:00

Waste of time and the environment.

yo (@guest_1140274)
February 5, 2021 13:35

That’s tuff

Michael (@guest_1139390)
February 4, 2021 11:47

I was looking at some referral links for the Gold card. Looks like referrals have 6 month language to do the minimum spend. Same sub, 60k MR. Might help some of us meet the $4k spend if budgets are tight right now.

P (@guest_1139371)
February 4, 2021 11:08

I wish they’d bring back annual credits instead of monthly credits.