[Targeted] American Express Gold 100,000 Points

Update 7/24/23; Back again.

Update 8/19/22: Back as a targeted banner offer (ht Vanson)

Update 6/16/22: Offer has expired

The Offer

Direct Link to offer (shows up in incognito mode and via referrals for some)

  • American Express is offering a sign up bonus of 100,000 points after $4,000 on the Gold card

Card Details

Our Verdict

Previous best was 90,000 points + 20% back on restaurants up to $250. That offer was better if you could do the restaurant spend but some might prefer the simplicity of this offer if they can’t easily do that spend. We will add this to our list of the best credit card bonuses.

Hat tip to reader Yitz

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Olympia (@guest_1664672)
August 2, 2023 11:23

The offer disappeared from P2’s card when I checked today. I ended up using the link in the comments below and it worked. It did only work on the login that originally had the 100k offer. I tried another and I got the not available message.

Olympia (@guest_1664745)
August 2, 2023 12:54

Wanted to add a DP that they pulled experian and transition. That seemed odd considering the existing cards with them. I would have frozen experian if I had suspected they would. For reference, also got Hilton cards in July with no pull.

Morgan (@guest_1663187)
July 31, 2023 12:21

This is definitely over…unless there’s a legit referral link out there.

Kylie (@guest_1660763)
July 27, 2023 00:38

Is offer over as of 7/26/23?

O Ryan
O Ryan (@guest_1660032)
July 25, 2023 23:14

Wife’s credit card was canceled by Amex 6 months later after opening. On the chat they said they will make a prorata refund of 143$. She paid the balance and now they said on the chat that we need to call their special team. We called and they said the $250 annual fees is not refundable. We did not close the card, they did. She never missed a payment.

Unfair. Fraud.

Jan (@guest_1663174)
July 31, 2023 12:06

Can you report this behavior to CFPB? Or take them to consumer court. I believe even the threat of that would make then act, since it would cost them more than $200 just to respond to the actions iif CFPB and the court.

Carl (@guest_1659805)
July 25, 2023 14:46

worked for me thanks!

Deion (@guest_1659882)
July 25, 2023 17:18

thanks for the link, but didn’t work for me; got “We apologize that the offer you are looking for may no longer be available.”

Olympia (@guest_1664673)
August 2, 2023 11:24

Thanks Dan This one worked today!

FJBiden (@guest_1659261)
July 24, 2023 17:04

All I was able to see was a 60,000 points with $4,000 spend offer.

Store (@guest_1659148)
July 24, 2023 14:24

Can I get the gold card if I had the now defunct Premier Rewards Gold card? Or are they considered the same product?

Ozzi (@guest_1659168)
July 24, 2023 14:42

I have the same question too. I had been holding PRG since 2015 but cancelled the card last week.

kona (@guest_1659175)
July 24, 2023 14:53

You can try applying – if you’re not eligible, you’ll get a pop up before you proceed, so you’ll know for sure.

Jim (@guest_1659111)
July 24, 2023 13:44

no $200 statement credit and first year $250 KILLS the deal for me

Olympia (@guest_1659174)
July 24, 2023 14:52

1k for 4k in spend. Uber and doordash credits offset the annual fee. It’s hard to get 25% return on spend. Even if you couldn’t make use of the credits you’re looking at 750 return.

Luc (@guest_1659030)
July 24, 2023 11:16

Offer not available.

Steve (@guest_1659019)
July 24, 2023 11:05

Link says no offer available.

Mary (@guest_1659164)
July 24, 2023 14:39

“We apologize that the offer you are looking for may no longer be available.”