American Express No Lifetime Language Offers Showing Under ‘Pre-Approved’ Checker

Reddit user clearing_sky reports seeing offers of 35,000 points on the American Express gold card and 60,000 points on the American Express Platinum card when checking for pre-approved offers with American Express with no lifetime language. This is different from the referral offers we’ve previously posted about. I’m not sure if this will work if you use something like CardMatch to check, my guess would be that the offers won’t show but I’m happy to be proven wrong. If anybody sees any other offers with no lifetime language, please share them in the comments below. As always, make sure your offer does not contain any lifetime language before applying.

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Sam (@guest_830676)
October 25, 2019 12:10

Do these actually work or does Amex claw them back like the self-referrals?

JB San Diego
JB San Diego (@guest_830627)
October 25, 2019 10:27

For the ‘DEAD’ referral without the lifetime language, I still have the email and it still works!

This is a massive breakthrough, to say the least!!

Check your email!!

Hung (@guest_830523)
October 25, 2019 02:53

My preapproved offer for 60k MR SUB Plat has no LTL.

Tony (@guest_830425)
October 24, 2019 22:49

I just got pre approved for 35,000 points and once I click submit, it gave me the “Lifetime Warning”

Jonathan Ong
Jonathan Ong (@guest_830369)
October 24, 2019 20:45

I see lifetime language when I look at offer terms. Are people seeing something different?

Shawn (@guest_830260)
October 24, 2019 17:22

I’m seeing the 35k offer as well, but with Lifetime Language

Glenn (@guest_830258)
October 24, 2019 17:18

The Amex Flow, at least for me, isn’t quite what is shown here. Under Cards I see no ““view all Personal and Charge cards” but I do see “Check for Pre-Qualified Credit Card Offers” (slightly different language here). And when I click on the Amex Green Offer I am shown the T&C’s clearly indicate it has lifetime limitations.

Shawn (@guest_830267)
October 24, 2019 17:28

Maybe OP hasn’t seen the lifetime language, since it’s slightly hidden on the right side.

perfectviking (@guest_830273)
October 24, 2019 17:36

My pre-approval has lifetime language.