Many people have been getting reimbursement checks from American Express for ‘technical errors’. Apparently some credits weren’t posting properly and these checks are to cover that. Some people are getting these checks now and others got them over the past number of weeks.
I received one in Jan or Feb for $100+ on a Biz Plat I had closed a few months earlier. I keep track of my cards and credits fairly well, but not with an eagle eye. To my recollection, everything had posted correctly, so it seemed like free money to me (score!), but I can no longer access my online statements to confirm.
Few weeks back, I got a check for $120. I usually track all the credits, so I’m not sure why I received the check.
I got a check for $379 a week ago. Only thing I can think of is that I signed up for the biz gold $20 office supply credit but it didn’t show enrolled on a couple cards. This was definitely a technical error so I wonder if there are others in the same boat. I had called back in October about this yet no correspondence since.
hello. on january 4 i received a $79.84 credit on my american express green card for “CREDIT FOR BENEFIT ERR”. idk what the error was, and also this card started as a platinum card then downgraded to gold card then downgraded again to green card so idk what of the 3 this is in relation to.
Received one for around $85.don’t know for which amex card it was from or why.
I got one for like 11 bucks, probably a dining credit did not post or something, or maybe a wireless credit.
same. No specfic explanation. I can remember one Amex offer for $5 that I dont think i ever got. Don’t bother calling for that little money.
I got one for $74. No idea why other than credits that should have been issued.
If someone doesn’t want their check, I’ll take it.
What kind of credits?