Update 8/30/18: People keep getting/finding themselves with a targeted spend bonus on various cards, so I’ve added a few offers and reposted. I’m sure there are many more variations of these offers. None for me so far 🙁
A lot of readers are reporting receiving spending bonuses on their American Express credit and charge cards. We originally posted about one of these deals here, but there are lots of new variations of these offers so I thought I’d create a dedicated post to discuss them. Spend can be done in a single transaction or across multiple transactions and must be completed by November 20th, 2018. All offers can be completed up to three times. You should see the offers after logging into your American Express account and they have also sent out e-mail reminders yesterday.
Ameriprise Platinum
- Spend $3,000 and receive 1,500 bonus points. Hat tip to reader William
- Spend $1,500 & get 1,000 points. Hat tip to reader T
- Spend $2,500+ and receive 2,500 bonus points. Hat tip to reader Bill M
- Spend $1,000 and receive 500 points. Hat tip to reader Eric
- Spend $9,000+ and receive 4,500 bonus points Hat tip to Fly high
- Spend $9,500 and get 5,000 bonus points, up to 3 times
- Spend $1,500 and get 1,500 bonus points, up to 3 times, hat tip to reader Jonathan
Premier Rewards Gold
- Spend $8,500+ and receive 4,500 bonus points. Hat tip to reader @havemeier
- Spend $9,000+ and receive 4,500 bonus points
- Many have been seeing 10,000 – 30,000 spend bonuses on SPG personal and business. We wrote about this in a dedicated post.
If you received another offer not listed, let us know in the comments below. (I got bored of adding all the different deals to the post, so just read the comments for a list of different offers)
Just got all the points x3 times. You can use Serve to trigger the bonus.. hehe
I got, Spend $2,500+, get 2,500 Membership Rewards® points, up to 3 times for an amex plat
I got, Spend $2,500+, get 2,500 Membership Rewards® points, up to 3 times
Hey, why don’t I have a spend offer? 🙁
First time contributing
For my Platinum Personal, i got “Spend $2,000+, get 1,000 Membership Rewards® points, up to 3 times”
PRG, I got 2,000 MR for a $2K spend, up to 3x
Do these arrive by email? Or do they show elsewhere on the amex site?
Mine showed up within my Amex offers (Everyday Preferred).
Are these offers sent via email or portal offers?
I got $2000 spend, 1000 bonus points, up to 3 times on my Platinum card.
Blue cash card had offer to upgrade card to bcp with 150 cash back after 1000 in spend plus annual fee waived first year