[Additional Info] American Express To Add ‘Exciting Offers’ For First Three Months Of Business Platinum Membership

Update 1/8/21: According to what MtM heard from AmEx, the exciting offer for new Business Platinum cardmembers is the same offer as what existing cardholders are getting – 4x bonus points on office supply, gas, wireless, shipping, and advertising. Existing cardholders are getting this offer valid through June whereas new cardmembers will only get it for 3 months, apparently.

Original Post:

Yesterday we published an article regarding new temporary benefits that would be added to co-branded Hilton, Delta & Marriott cards. In that same press released American Express also announced that something new would be coming for new Business Platinum cardholders:

In the coming weeks, new Business Platinum Card Members will also receive exciting offers for their first three months of Membership.

Late last year we saw a bonus of 100,000 points + 10x points at U.S. gas stations and U.S. supermarkets for the first six months on the personal Platinum card. I suspect we will see a similar offer for the Business Platinum but with different categories (likely including office supply stores among others) and possibly a bonus higher than 100,000 (125,000 would be my guess) with a much higher spend requirement.

Hat tip to reader YAR

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Frodo (@guest_1126772)
January 13, 2021 12:31

Anyone else haven’t received these offers? P2 got her card on 11/16 but nothing yet. Tried saving misc offers so that there’s less than 100 available but hasn’t ‘refilled’ after a couple of days. Any advice?

GBSanDiego (@guest_1125532)
January 11, 2021 17:07

I just checked public offers and looks like it is already in place and like you said, extra bonus for 3 months only + 100KMRs.

Raol (@guest_1124722)
January 9, 2021 13:33

What exciting offers? I don’t see any yet including the $25 back off $500 purchase etc 🥸

thumperstain (@guest_1124694)
January 9, 2021 12:00

I don’t feel very excited.

Mr. loopy
Mr. loopy (@guest_1124574)
January 8, 2021 22:56

not too related but

using a biz plat ref link, seeing 30k EDP offer

something to think about for people who are scraping the bottom of the pot

Josh (@guest_1124552)
January 8, 2021 21:58

Haha yeah thats trash

Varin (@guest_1124468)
January 8, 2021 18:02

How about the existing ones? Nada!

Ferris (@guest_1124451)
January 8, 2021 17:33

So they no longer offer the shipping and wireless credits for Biz?

give amex spank
give amex spank (@guest_1124378)
January 8, 2021 15:41

amex taking a huge dump on bizness owners right when they could use the “help” zz

steve (@guest_1124367)
January 8, 2021 15:22
