American Express Green, Gold & Platinum cardholders all get a free UberEats pass. Previously you could get the UberEats pass and then use a different payment method, but that’s no longer possible unfortunately. Some people preferred to use a different card to get a category bonus on the purchase.
Hat tip to VFTW
Don’t want to jinx myself but I just ordered and used my AR on GPay and kept the eats pqss discount
I upgraded my amex gold to platinum last month. And today both the amex gold $10 and the amex plat $15 showed up in my Uber account. Hopefully amex won’t claw back my ubercash.
William Charles
I hate this change. Definitely won’t be renewing the Pass when my free trial is up.
Not even just an Amex, it’s requiring me to use my Platinum which is how I get the Eats Pass. I have both Platinum which gives the Uber credit and Bonvoy Brilliant which reimburses Uber Eats purchases. But when I use the Bonvoy Brilliant to pay, it says I have to use a qualifying Amex card to use Uber Eats Pass. When I switch to my Platinum, it removes the fees.
I just ran into this earlier this week… While it *does* seem to need to be a Amex-branded card, it doesn’t have to be issued directly from Amex. I successfully used my Wells Fargo Propel (3x GoFar Rewards points for Dining) to pay the balance after the Amex Plat benefit for Uber Eats.
I placed an order yesterday and it also required that I order at least $15 of food for the eats benefits to kick in. I was able to use my uber credit/gift cards after deleting all credit cards except for my platinum from my account.
I have never been able to get my Amex Platinum Business rewards to credit to my account. Does anyone know a trick to accomplish this? I tried opening a business account etc… but it just won’t stick. On the personal side, I have a Gold Card and Platinum Card that provide credits.
The business platinum does not have any uber credits.
So how about if you’re using the Uber credit ($15 per month) from the Platinum? Would stink if you can’t combine those.
I was able to use my gift card so the credits should work. I did have to delete all other credit cards from my account though.
call me cheap but i usually choose pickup when using uber eats to take advantage of my uber credits for the plat so i don’t have to tip. i know i’m using gas but still cheaper than tipping.
I never loved tipping, but returning after living outside the US for a few years, I find the exorbitant tipping fees disgusting. If the service requires a higher price, then charge it in the regular price. Don’t guilt people into paying your own costs you’re too embarrassed or stingy to charge yourself.
What do you mean by exorbitant tipping fees? There are no exorbitant “tipping fees”- you choose yourself how much to tip.
OK, tips aren’t fees, but many receipts in the USA show suggested tips. Lately, I’ve only seen suggestions for 15%, 20%, and 25%. The pressure is real, and it’s annoying, even if there is no requirement to give an atypically high tip.
Equally annoying is that the types of businesses in the USA that pressure customers to tip is expanding. It is fairly common now to see a visual cue to tip (e.g., little sign or jar) when you’ve had nothing more than a transaction with an employee at the cash register.
In the face of these trends, it becomes a relief to travel in countries where tipping is abnormal and employees don’t depend on favors from customers to pay their rent.
I tip 25-30% if they are amazing, 10-15% if average, and round up a few dollars if horrible
I’m even cheaper, I walk to the restaurants so I don’t have to use any gas lol!
Totally agree that Uber delivery has WAY too many “junk fees”. The Uber Eats Pass is pretty worthless if you can do the pick up yourself.
I noticed this last week when I was going to pay with a non Amex plat/gold and was wondering why the delivery fee wasn’t waived. Now it makes sense. Oh well not a big of deal because I don’t use Uber eats too often.