AmEx Offers:, Spend $25 & Get $25 Back

The Offer

Check your AmEx Offers for the following deal:

  • Spend $25+ on and get $25 statement credit.
  • There’s also a similar offer for Allure to get $10 off $15.

Our Verdict

There are two boxes you can get for around $29-$33 (depending on your taxes). It will end up $4-$8 cost after the $25 AmEx Offer credit.

One Reddit users reports the possibility of this stacking with using a shopping portal, such as $5 from Rakuten or $5.25 from Topcashback. Others say this won’t stack, probably not worth the risk.

Hat tip to Future_Car9082

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AdoptaPetInstead (@guest_1719199)
October 20, 2023 00:42

I was able to use this on their “shop” and received the $25 credit from Amex… although it looks like they recently brought back the 50% off :/

Aaron M
Aaron M (@guest_1719737)
October 20, 2023 16:48

The AmEx offer, at least on P2’s card, unfortunately expired on 10/14. Would have been nice to stack the AmEx deal with the 50% off coupon (and TopCB, as some reported successfully doing).

AdoptaPetInstead (@guest_1719768)
October 20, 2023 17:34

Yeah, I used a Cashback portal + bought one item off their shop (~$27) which triggered the amex offer ($25), but yeah I should have checked sooner for the half off deal oh well, c’est la vie.

Lantean (@guest_1699936)
September 22, 2023 09:34

Rakuten is now at 7,500 MR… I just don’t know what box to buy, it all seems overpriced.

dave (@guest_1701642)
September 24, 2023 21:01

750 MR you mean.

Lantean (@guest_1701878)
September 25, 2023 09:00

Ha, yes. My bad.

DanK (@guest_1672878)
August 15, 2023 17:52

The fall GQ Box is out now ( Looks like it comes with a watch valued at $150, a mini speaker valued at $79, and various creams/shampoos/cleansers. Cost is $59. Rakuten has a $5 back offer right now as well.

Ymmv (@guest_1678411)
August 23, 2023 14:22

Thanks for the update. The watch isn’t my style and the fact that eBay sellers are offloading them at $30 sounds about the right price point for them.

Citychurner3 (@guest_1661072)
July 27, 2023 14:17

I got the box last week and today got a $10 bonus credit email for their member store. Wonder if I could buy something on there and use P2s AmEx credit to cover $25 of it.

G (@guest_1662761)
July 30, 2023 19:21

They have a 10% off promo code (ORDER10) or the targeted $10 off via email. You might get more from the 10% depending on what you grab.

NKB (@guest_1660943)
July 27, 2023 10:24

Not to be totally negative, but I would say this is an OK deal at the $7 I spent. Basically a bathing suit that is TDB in terms of quality/size, body wash (useful), a hat, and a few samples of products I neither want or will use.

OST (@guest_1660691)
July 26, 2023 22:08

boxes start at $59 now. rip

tamago (@guest_1660821)
July 27, 2023 04:55

they really aren’t worth it

Davis (@guest_1659192)
July 24, 2023 15:27

Got my box today. Very similar to the Allure Beauty Box in terms of lotions. Only thing worthwhile was the hat but I have lots of hats. Put in a missing credit request to Rakuten and got credit right away. Will cancel once Rakuten sends me my points.

Samantha K
Samantha K (@guest_1658560)
July 23, 2023 12:32

So happy, my box included a 4Ocean bracelet and I recently lost mine. Nice surprise.

G (@guest_1658351)
July 22, 2023 21:42

My experience with this offer:

AMEX $25 credit posted next business day. I didn’t use a shopping portal. The Summer Box shipped out quickly and already arrived.

Watch out for a surprise: the swim trunks aren’t one-size-fits all and aren’t even included in the box… they give you a voucher inside the box and you have to go to the company’s website to redeem your promo code. It’s free plus free shipping, but feels like a scummy way to get us to share email and shipping info with someone else, and it prolongs the process. On the plus side I did get the bonus gift that the signup process promised. GQ didn’t really cheap out on us.

Overall an ok experience, I’d say it was worth the $~6 cost. Easy to regift anything you don’t want. Is it worthwhile at full price though? YMMV, it may depend on how early you start your Christmas shopping.

askmrlee (@guest_1660828)
July 27, 2023 05:17

I also got a sweatshirt/sweater via a redemption last year. Do you really expect a box to be able to handle sizes? No way you can do one-size fits all swimming trunks. But I agree the $200+ value is horribly overstated.

Jummydean (@guest_1657235)
July 20, 2023 10:07

Shipped out yesterday. Rakuten and Amex both posted