[Expired] AmEx Offers: Netflix, Spend $6.99+ & Get $6.99 Back (Can Be Done Twice)

Deal has ended, view more Netflix deals by clicking here.

The Offer

Check your AmEx Offers for the following deal:

  • Get a $6.99 statement credit by using your enrolled eligible Card to make a single purchase of $6.99 or more online at netflix.com by 1/31/2024. Limit of 2 statement credits (total of $13.98).

The Fine Print

  • Offer valid online only at US website netflix.com.
  • Purchases may not qualify if not billed directly by the merchant. For example, if you purchased your subscription through a third party device/digital platform, you may get billed by the party you signed up with, and not directly by the merchant.
  • Please note if you purchase a subscription, unless you notify the merchant that you want to pause, cancel, or that you do not want to auto renew, your subscription will automatically renew for another subscription period (subject to applicable law) of equal length (for example monthly, or annually). This means that the merchant will collect the then-applicable subscription fee and any taxes by charging a credit card the merchant has on record for you without notifying you, unless notification is required by applicable law.
  • Valid only on purchases made in US dollars.

Our Verdict

I see this offer on one of my Amex cards. Pretty interesting to see this offer as we’ve never seen Netflix run this kind of thing before. This can get you basically two months free of Netflix with ads or it can be used twice as a $6.99 discount on a more premium plan.

Note: this is separate from the Netflix Shop offer which has been floating around for a while.

View more Amex offers here & if you have any questions about American Express offers then read this post.

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Orguyosso (@guest_1761348)
December 19, 2023 14:15

I wish we could manage the amex offers 🙁 On 100+ offers, none are good to me, or I just don’t want to scroll for an hour to just don’t see any good ones. If we could create rules/ or manage offers people would actually use their offers…

AdoptaPetInstead (@guest_1752570)
December 6, 2023 14:43

Amex is telling me the following, “However, as much as I would want to, the enrollment is no longer available as of December 5, 2023. Sorry.”….”And due to High Demand on its first day,
I am afraid that is the case. Even I tried my best to enroll this card, the “enroll” button is no longer available. So sorry.”

garybg (@guest_1752353)
December 6, 2023 08:22

I got this offer, changed my Netflix payment method to Amex, and immediately received a confirmation email for the 10% Back on Cable & Internet offer. Yay for an unexpected stack.

Sammy34 (@guest_1752006)
December 5, 2023 20:14

Oddly WAY down on the list of Offers – but found it on my OBC

Jl (@guest_1751925)
December 5, 2023 18:28

1/3 got it on the card where I’m an authorized user.

Jay (@guest_1751798)
December 5, 2023 15:47

Got it on my everyday card

Brian C 🐕
Brian C 🐕 (@guest_1751760)
December 5, 2023 15:05


Curmudgeon (@guest_1751698)
December 5, 2023 13:56

Is there any way to make a prepayment on Netflix? I’ve changed my payment method to use this offer, but don’t want to keep it on this card long term.

em (@guest_1751713)
December 5, 2023 14:13

following this!!

BN (@guest_1751786)
December 5, 2023 15:30

Can’t you just change the card after 2 months ?

On another note, anyone know of a way to pay if you have already prepaid ahead with giftcards ?

Celia 🔗
Celia 🔗 (@guest_1751805)
December 5, 2023 15:53

Not that I ever found. I used to get the streaming offers with Amex and couldn’t use because I had gift cards loaded into Netflix.

BN (@guest_1758578)
December 14, 2023 23:09

In the same boat 🙁

Curmudgeon (@guest_1751829)
December 5, 2023 16:30

I can, but I’ll forget so I’d prefer to just pay ahead if possible but doesn’t sound that that will work

John P
John P (@guest_1751695)
December 5, 2023 13:51

Thanks, got it on my Blue Cash Everyday

Mr M
Mr M (@guest_1751666)
December 5, 2023 13:19

0/3 for me, only the Netflix Shop offer still.