[Expired] Amex will Remove Plenti from Membership Reward Transfers in February 2018

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Amex is putting out a notice on Membership Reward-earning card statements that effective February 2, 2018, it won’t be possible to transfer points to Plenti.

Won’t effect many people, though there are a few people who found this transfer option useful since MR points don’t have an easy way to be cashed out for non-travelers.

We’re watching the slow and painful death of the Plenti program. Lots of retailers are pulling out of the program, the Plenti credit card is being discontinued, and they’ve now removed the transfer option. It’s only a matter of time now.

Hat tip to u/teetertotterboy on r/churning

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Atul (@guest_557068)
February 2, 2018 18:38

Plenti is faltu program anyway

carl wilson
carl wilson (@guest_536184)
December 15, 2017 18:06

RIP Plenti. It’s all over now, fill you gas tanks and gas cans before the end of the year, or get your Macys closeout sale on.

Its too bad because even at 1/1 I found it useful for free gas. Remember, shopping portals can provide airline miles, and MR hotel transfers suck.

MR needs more functional transfer partners for nuts-and-bolts-spend. Airbnb at 1/1 (GC’s) was good but they dumped that.

Mike (@guest_535977)
December 15, 2017 14:13

I use the points for gas (was nice when they were 1.5 or even 1.25 transfers). Any worry of pulling 50K or so out and having Exxon leave the program? How long do you think they will honor Plenti for?

Maybe answering my own question: Could you buy an Exxon gift card with Plenti points in store?

Brandon (@guest_536036)
December 15, 2017 15:17

Doubtful. You can’t use Plenti points for gift cards at Rite Aid, but I don’t have a specific DP for Exxon.

Lantean (@guest_535962)
December 15, 2017 13:50

So one day after their imbecile CEO is out… I actually expect some positive changes from Amex after he’s gone.

John (@guest_535952)
December 15, 2017 13:43

How about a bunch of grocery stores just joined the program last year? I remember Winn Dixie advertised it very aggressively and it would be very embarrassed for them if Plenti is dead so soon.

Dustin (@guest_536002)
December 15, 2017 14:36

Right. I don’t know who gets the blame for the Winn-Dixie change over. Plenti points are not worth as much as fuel points to me.