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Bryan (@guest_1930052)
October 10, 2024 20:19

New inactivity fee on Aspiration Spend and Save accounts beginning in November for those who may still have an account with them.

OST (@guest_1516422)
December 22, 2022 00:40

As Davis said, getting nerfed to 3% with $500 spend on 1/1/2023. Withdrawing everthing

Davis (@guest_1516358)
December 21, 2022 22:35

Getting nerfed on Jan 1. Plus going to 3% with $500 spend, regular going to 1% with $500 spend. Going to try to get a refund on my annual fee since this is a terrible deal

Gabe (@guest_1516452)
December 22, 2022 02:09

Please let us know! I’m gonna call tomorrow and try to get the annual fee refunded too!

Davis (@guest_1516587)
December 22, 2022 09:53

Hi Davis,

Thanks for writing in regarding a prorated refund for Aspiration Plus. At this time, I have submitted your inquiry to leadership for consideration. I will follow up in 2-3 business days when they’ve reached a decision.

Kind Regard,
Customer Engagement Team

I responded to please cancel it in January after the December 5% interest posts since they are saying the annual fee will be prorated

Gabe (@guest_1517275)
December 23, 2022 03:55

I called. Since I signed up in May, they issued a prorated refund of around $24. It’s already pending, rep was nice about it.

Davis (@guest_1519946)
December 27, 2022 11:31

I messaged them and then followed up with a message for them to cancel on 1/1 after the December interest had posted but they canceled it already and I got my refund. Hopefully I still get 5% this month.

killdozer (@guest_1338854)
February 24, 2022 19:53

This is essentially a 4.28% APY on 10k, hypothetically to meet the $1k spend you can do: Aspiration bank > Venmo 1 > Venmo 2 > Aspiration bank at no cost. But is this worth my time or the hassle? Every month I will have to charge $1k to the card via Venmo 1 which sends it to my Venmo 2, then send from Venmo 2 back to aspiration bank.

Davis (@guest_1338866)
February 24, 2022 20:03

Does Venmo count as a transaction?

killdozer (@guest_1338867)
February 24, 2022 20:04

I havent tried, but it should IMO. Its worked for all other HISA accounts with debit requirements. Im just trying to determine if I should bother with this or not

Davis (@guest_1338870)
February 24, 2022 20:09
killdozer (@guest_1338943)
February 25, 2022 01:23

Didnt notice the terms, if venmo cant be used I dont see how this is economically feasible to meet a 1k spend per mo. Only other option is buying giftcards / liquidating or prepaying IRS taxes 1k a month but these are not economical or a good use of time. In this case this savings account is dead.

Davis (@guest_1339026)
February 25, 2022 10:37

I had written off this account but I’ll try a few methods to simulate the spend and see if they work

Jon (@guest_1412042)
July 20, 2022 01:52

Hi Davis , could you share if you had any luck? Thanks

Davis (@guest_1485079)
November 10, 2022 12:36

Public (the brokerage) debit card reload works and generally was what I’ve used to satisfy high debit card spend limits but I just learned that there is only a $5000 lifetime limit for that. So I think I will just make a tax payment

killdozer (@guest_1338852)
February 24, 2022 19:52


MCT (@guest_1330693)
February 12, 2022 03:09

Can someone that received a 1099 tell me if it is from Coastal Bank or Aspiration? And what is the address? They didn’t send a 1099-INT, however I need to report it on my taxes. Thanks

Zeus (@guest_1332277)
February 15, 2022 10:45

I have not received a 1099-INT either. I plan to report it as Aspiration Bank, while Coastal issues the debit cards I am not sure that they are the interest payer:

ShawntheShawn (@guest_1336391)
February 22, 2022 15:41

It should be available in your online account. It is from:

90292 USA (800) 683-8529

MCT Zeus

Zeus (@guest_1336408)
February 22, 2022 15:54

ShawntheShawn is yours under Statements and Documents? Mine just shows my monthly statements. Either way, thanks for confirming the payer, I can just report that on Sch B.

ShawntheShawn (@guest_1336416)
February 22, 2022 16:00

Yes, Settings->Aspiration Statements and Documents->2021 1099-INT Account Statement (on the top). Zeus

Zeus (@guest_1336417)
February 22, 2022 16:01

ShawntheShawn Yep that’s the page, nothing listed for me on either mobile or website. Either way, thanks for the payer, that’s all I needed. Cheers.

Dan (@guest_1324377)
February 1, 2022 08:51

Stockpile limits the daily purchase up to 100, anyone has a better way to satisfy the spending requirement? Does cashapp, venmo, or stockpile transfer work?

Dan (@guest_1308418)
January 3, 2022 12:27

How could I confirm I have satisfied the 3% interest rate? I didn’t find any tracker in the website.

ShawntheShawn (@guest_1322124)
January 27, 2022 16:08

Unfortunately there is no tracker, and you will only know after the fact. The interest is not posted on the last day of the month or the first business day of next month. My interest for December was posted on January 6th.

Acid Bath
Acid Bath (@guest_1375046)
May 2, 2022 15:17

appreciate this comment, was trying to figure out why the interest did not post. Will wait a few more days.

nik (@guest_1307732)
January 1, 2022 15:09

Aspiration is not a bank. It is a brokerage (or Fintech) that provides two accounts spend/save. GO to their website and see if they are FDIC insured.

If you have a problem with them you have to file with FINRA (and not CFPB.) I doubt CFPB can do much with them. But I am sure they do not want to lose their securities license so probably scared of FINRA. For details search in my post history.

“The Aspiration Spend & Save Account are cash management accounts offered through Aspiration Financial, LLC, a registered broker-dealer and Member FINRA/SIPC. An affiliate, Aspiration Fund Adviser, LLC, is an SEC registered investment adviser. An affiliate, Aspiration Card Services, LLC offers credit services. An affiliate, Aspiration Insurance Agency, LLC offers insurance products. An affiliate, Make Earth Green Again, LLC, offers a standalone Plant Your Change service. An affiliate, Aspiration Sustainability Impact Services, LLC offers business to business services. Aspiration Financial, LLC, Aspiration Fund Adviser, LLC, Make Earth Green Again, LLC, Aspiration Card Services, LLC, Aspiration Insurance Agency, LLC and Aspiration Sustainability Impact Services, LLC are wholly-owned subsidiaries of Aspiration Partners, Inc. (collectively “Aspiration”). Aspiration is under separate ownership from any other named entity. Aspiration pledges to donate 10% of our profits to charities. Indemnity Agreement. Aspiration is not a bank.”

Dan (@guest_1294732)
December 4, 2021 20:02

Thanks for the DPs on negative experiences all. I received the cc mailer today ($300 bonus!) and that led me to think about the savings account… with all this feedback I’m going to pass!