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Rusty Nail
Rusty Nail (@guest_1792734)
February 4, 2024 17:47

Does anybody know about the bonus requirement for “One ACH credit/Direct Deposit must be established.” Can any old ACH deposit qualify or does it have to be one of the standard Direct Deposits such as payroll or government benefits.
I can call them on Monday, but was wondering if anybody has checked into this already.

Monica (@guest_1833980)
April 21, 2024 12:53

Would like to know also! Did anyone get the bonus with an ACH only?

DaveinAZ (@guest_1792677)
February 4, 2024 16:12

I live in AZ in one of the counties allowed. I applied, got a response they would review & contact be email within 2 biz days.
They do pull Chex, got an alert from a monitoring service.
They do allow CC funding. I only did $200 funding, first tried Amex, no go, so used a 2% cashback MC.
Not sure the “previous $300 bonus” was better, only Maricopa & 1 other county, req’d $10k bal. for 90 days, and req’d “direct deposit”. this one allows ACH. ,

Cookie Monster
Cookie Monster (@guest_1792748)
February 4, 2024 18:14

Which monitoring service is that, and is it free?

DaveinAZ (@guest_1793092)
February 5, 2024 08:52

On Alert from Chex Systems – I got it free for 1 year from some data breech. not sure if it’s free

Monica (@guest_1833979)
April 21, 2024 12:52

Did you end up getting approved? How’s your Chex? I live in AZ but my Chex is LOL so wondering if I could get approved.

Mark (@guest_1792616)
February 4, 2024 13:59

Getting invalid promo code.

Joyce (@guest_1793884)
February 6, 2024 11:29

I also got an invalid promo code. Mark, were you able to get it fixed?

Mark (@guest_1794161)
February 7, 2024 02:03

No. I sent them an email but I haven’t got a response.

Joyce (@guest_1794175)
February 7, 2024 03:41

Me too and they did. not answer

Mark (@guest_1850545)
May 26, 2024 17:59

Andrew has the right fix.

Andrew (@guest_1795933)
February 9, 2024 23:21

Just experienced the same issue – make sure you are adding the checking account in addition to the share savings

Mark (@guest_1850544)
May 26, 2024 17:58

Thanks, this fixed it!

Kim (@guest_1792522)
February 4, 2024 10:32

For the banks that have the “lives, works, or worships in our area” requirements, does anyone know how they verify the “or worships” option? Thanks!

amtrakrailfan (@guest_1792558)
February 4, 2024 11:52

Some will ask for a letter from a church confirming weekly attendance.

amtrakrailfan (@guest_1794731)
February 7, 2024 21:38

One CU:
“we will need a letter on official letterhead from your church, stating that you are part of the weekly congregation.”

Nicole (@guest_1792565)
February 4, 2024 12:05

It all depends on CU. Sometimes they really want to see your resident address to be in that particular qualifying county, they really don’t care about that study/pray language – how would you pray or study in that qualifying county unless you live in that county. But, the finer argument with pray or study in a particular county, I believe, is for the ones who live in a county that is not eligible but pray or study in a bordering county that is eligible. Given the proximity with the bordering county, CU would qualify you if your address is close enough (per their judgment and exclusive discretion) to a school or praying place located in a qualifying county. It is not a successful strategy to use, unless you really live close by to a qualifying county by by some luck reside in another not qualifying county, which most likely may mean in a different state. If someone has a different experience, let us know.