Bank of America Ordered To Pay $250 Million For Withholding Credit Card Rewards, Junk Fees & More

Bank of America has been ordered to pay $250 million by the CFPB, $100 million to harmed customers and $90 million in penalties to CFPB and $60 million in penalties Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. This was because Bank of America:

  • Systematically double-dipped on fees imposed on customers with insufficient funds in their account
  • Withheld reward bonuses explicitly promised to credit card customers
  • misappropriated sensitive personal information to open accounts without customer knowledge or authorization
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Bk (@guest_1654323)
July 15, 2023 00:29

Is there a class action?

Deva (@guest_1654228)
July 14, 2023 21:05

They really are a terrible bank to do business with. Many unpaid rewards and they would do nothing about it.

Green (@guest_1654010)
July 14, 2023 15:32

I got a cash bonus for an initial sign up bonus on an Alaska card that had previously been denied although initially they said it would be paid and later changed their mind. The bonus came out 7 months late.

This credit appeared just a few days before the news story.

FN (@guest_1653586)
July 14, 2023 01:46

Has this been paid out? I’m weirdly seeing a $200 credit adjustment on a Bofa credit card account I closed in 2021.

86 (@guest_1653311)
July 13, 2023 18:54

Anyone get that last $20 promised from the BBR yet?

Al (@guest_1653457)
July 13, 2023 22:39

It will be paid in September same as the time frame of bonus for that UNLIMITEDly STUPID Converted card !!

and yet when I complained about BoA and the BBB card cancellations here couple of months ago when that was happening ,
About the way this bank does busisness , more people here were taking this fraudulent bank’s side ,
BoA can go to hell as far as i am concerned !

Al (@guest_1653496)
July 13, 2023 23:09

It will be paid in September same as the time frame of bonus for that UNLIMITEDly STUPID Converted card !!

and yet when I complained about BoA and the BBB card cancellations here couple of months ago when that was happening ,
About the way this bank does busisness , more people here were taking this fraudulent bank’s side ,
BoA can go to hell as far as i am concerned !

Look at the banking System and the 3 biggest banks this Capitalist Country has !!
J p Motgan Chase, and those fraudulent loans contributng to the real states crisis and crash,
and Yet the bank saved by the Corrupt goverment of Barak Obama while milloins of Americans lost thier homes and went bankrupt !!
Look at the 3rd biggest bank, The Wells Fargo
opening fake and fraudulent accounts with fake customers names to show to its losing stock holders and on the other hands peoples real mortgage payments went missing or to fake accounts and the real customer accounts went to foreclosures !!

Yes , This is the Banking Sysytem and ithe 3 Largest banks that the country offers you and yet more people take their sides here and tell; The beauty of capitalism is that you have multiple choices and can pick another business if you don’t like it !!

How Stupid that is !!
I guess these people have never watched George Carlin who used to say in his talks about Monopoly in this System:
You Have No Choice !
They only give You an illusion of Choice !

jd (@guest_1653609)
July 14, 2023 02:56

called it, lol

Doc (@guest_1653683)
July 14, 2023 07:49

Holy bananas

teri maki
teri maki (@guest_1653267)
July 13, 2023 17:35

MADARCHOD bank of un-america

mark (@guest_1653391)
July 13, 2023 21:25

Abe oye what are you talking about?

H XU (@guest_1653199)
July 13, 2023 15:56

well, BOA denied the BBR $30 rewards for one certain month claiming that I just paid the minimum not the full balance while my full balance is $0.50 and the minimum is $0.50

Cate the MSer
Cate the MSer (@guest_1653167)
July 13, 2023 15:04

Where’s my settlement?!?! Give me my reward back. Fk UUUUU BoA!!!!!

Warble (@guest_1653163)
July 13, 2023 15:01

Oy vey… Do regulators or common people really think $250 million is gonna do *anything* to curtail horrible anti-consumer behavior in banks? They make $250 million in PROFIT every ~3.5 days. They don’t give a shit about this at all. But we all know the US government is corrupt to the core and in 99% of cases, doesn’t care about consumers or do anything to protect them.

K.M. (@guest_1653131)
July 13, 2023 14:10

Wow maybe that’s why I haven’t received a cash out of my SUB on the premium rewards credit card that I started almost a month ago.

Fred (@guest_1653144)
July 13, 2023 14:29

What did they say when you asked them about it?