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Jay 🔗
Jay 🔗 (@guest_2005363)
February 15, 2025 23:28

Opened Citizens Bank in branch with $600 code mailer not addressed to me.

Eric 🔗
Eric 🔗 (@guest_2005476)
February 16, 2025 08:34

Do you mean that it was addressed to someone else in your household or that it was addressed to a completely different household?

If the former, you are good to go. If the latter, according to a rep that I spoke with months ago, you won’t qualify for the bonus.

Jay 🔗
Jay 🔗 (@guest_2005533)
February 16, 2025 10:19

Got the mailer code online auction, and was told it isn’t addressed to anyone actually. So I guess we’ll see. Do you have more DPs regarding this?

Eric 🔗
Eric 🔗 (@guest_2005542)
February 16, 2025 10:37

What I wrote is not a DP. I was simply telling you what a Citizens rep told me. The rep told me that the system checks the address in the mailer against the sign up address when it’s time to pay out the bonus so the name doesn’t matter.

snailrock (@guest_1948389)
November 10, 2024 15:49

Approved OOS (MA, online):

Valley National Bank (Valley Direct, savings)
US Bank (existing customer)
Guilford Savings Bank
Bask Bank
EECU (TX) (had to appeal)
Tower Federal CU (2023)
Bank of Missouri (2023)
Star One CU (2022)
Fairwinds CU (2022)
Midland States Bank (2023)
FNBO (2022; existing CC customer)
Dow Credit Union (2022; interrogated)

Denied OOS (MA, online):

Credit Union 1 (2023; said Chex)
Bethpage CU (2023; said Chex)
Ent CU (2023; initially opened, then locked)
Five Star Bank (2022; initially opened, then restricted for sketchy reason)

Gadget 🕵️‍♂️ Bank Bonus Geek 🔗
November 10, 2024 16:28

I just looked up your DP on FNBO. When I looked at the checking promo in 2022, I didn’t think it would work. I literally just closed my FNBO CC last week too.

snailrock (@guest_1948419)
November 10, 2024 16:45

I mean… is your login still functional? My personal CC from then is still open, but the checking & savings accounts still haven’t disappeared from the main page, from when I closed them a year and a half ago, if that’s indicative of whether you could sit on it until the next bonus

Gadget 🕵️‍♂️ Bank Bonus Geek 🔗
November 10, 2024 16:51

Actually, yes, it is still functional. My card had been sock-drawered for so long I didn’t realize FNBO Direct is now FNBO… Hopefully they come back with another checking offer someday and I will consider trying it.

snailrock (@guest_1948428)
November 10, 2024 17:07

Nice 🙂

Hopefully. I’ve been keeping an eye out

snailrock (@guest_1918126)
September 23, 2024 23:54

ACNB has a zip code checker that’s force-applied to your address, so no go out-of-footprint online.

Woody (@guest_1911327)
September 13, 2024 15:49

Just opened First Horizon in Southwest Florida area branch two days ago. First branch told me will call back since she was not sure but never called back 👀.

Went to a second branch and explained some reasons why intersted in a bank that not serves in area. A banker looked at my chex inquiries and asked me to confirm that i really banked with them.

Back in Aug while travelling in NYC, Santander and M&T did not allow me to open. M&Ts there in Manhatton were so rude 🙄

Jimmy Johns 🔗
Jimmy Johns 🔗 (@guest_1918190)
September 24, 2024 01:35

I had the exact opposite experience in NYC in May while travelling for work, both Santander and M&T allowed me to open, reps were very nice.

Sasha (@guest_1909388)
September 11, 2024 08:23

Based on older comments, it seems like a bad idea to use an in-state address and proof of address as it might end up on Chex or EWS reports and look suspicious if you have many addresses.

Therefore, the rule of thumb would be to always use your one and only residential address when applying for OOS bonuses…

Can anyone confirm or add to this please ?

Cheers churning buddies !

Gadget 🕵️‍♂️ Bank Bonus Geek 🔗
September 11, 2024 22:21

I am certain there are valid excuses for having two addresses… like OOS college students, vacation home, military, etc.

If you can sell it to a banker, go for it. When something doesn’t match, they traditionally ask for a Utility Bill and ID/DL. Less auto-approvals would occur.

a (@guest_1902937)
August 31, 2024 11:22

Regions and First Horizon both let me open OOS at Knoxville, TN branches

Ryan (@guest_1902712)
August 30, 2024 19:22

Here are some of my experiences as of 08/2024:
Fairwinds FCU – Yes
Andrews FCU – Yes
Service CU – Yes
Farmers Insurance FCU (FIGFCU) – Yes
BluPeak FCU – Yes
Veridian CU – Yes
Summit CU – Yes
USAlliance CU – Yes
OnPath FCU – Yes
Affinity FCU – Yes
FirstTech FCU – Yes

These are a couple of years old, so may want to verify:
BECU – Yes
Signature FCU – Yes
Consumers CU – Yes
Tower FCU – Yes

BaliToBelize (@guest_1902584)
August 30, 2024 15:23

BB&T and SunTrust merged and became Truist

Adam (@guest_1902547)
August 30, 2024 14:34

This adds another dimension. Out of state was never on my radar. I have some work to do. Need to plot current promos on a map and then chart a course. Is that a thing?

mangorunner 🔗
mangorunner 🔗 (@guest_1902554)
August 30, 2024 14:41

There are folks on DoC that open bank accounts while on vacation. 😁👍

Gadget 🕵️‍♂️ Bank Bonus Geek 🔗
August 30, 2024 14:43

Yep, it’s a thing. Did trips to WI, OH, PA, CA, & FL with success stories. Requires doing homework and being prepared. Some offers are online only, so then you have to verify the branch has an offer available. You also likely need to make an appointment, because ever since COVID, many don’t accept walk-ins or branches don’t have a banker available. Adam

Adam (@guest_1902751)
August 30, 2024 20:43

Thanks. Good info. I’m in PA.

Jake (@guest_1902781)
August 30, 2024 22:38

Definitely a thing. Banking tourism, lol. I’ve turned a few layovers into some decent $$.

Jimmy Johns 🔗
Jimmy Johns 🔗 (@guest_1903058)
August 31, 2024 16:27

A vacation to NYC with the family can easily become free with morning walking around downtown opening accounts

Perfect Day at Coco Pay (me)
Perfect Day at Coco Pay (me) (@guest_1902466)
August 30, 2024 12:49

Fifth Third allows. Opened with OOS DL in-person 30/Jul/24 (did not attempt via Web). Made three “real” DDs on August 9th, 16th, and 23rd. Bonus hit three days later, which was the next business day (Monday the 26th). I said real in quotes because they were from me. 🙂