Barclays & Hawaiian Renew Cobranded Card Partnership

Barclays & Hawaiian have announced a renewal of their cobranded partnership and Barclays will continue to issue the Hawaiian Airlines World Elite Mastercard and the Hawaiian Airlines World Elite Business Mastercard. It’s unclear how long the extension is for, but Barclays & Hawaiian have been partners since 2013.

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JA (@guest_1884663)
July 30, 2024 13:55

More bonus now. Waive annual fee first year. I know you can.

cameron (@guest_1884657)
July 30, 2024 13:46

good to know, i’ll be using hawaiian and jetblue points for a maui trip next year.

Ben (@guest_1884642)
July 30, 2024 13:12

Aren’t they merging with someone? Alaska?

ramcm7 (@guest_1884705)
July 30, 2024 14:59

Barclays is already familiar with a two-issuer setup after the USair/AA merger. Might we see something similar? Among issues I see are Alaska currently issuing Visa while the Hawaiian card is MC.

Dick Bupkiss
Dick Bupkiss (@guest_1884716)
July 30, 2024 15:24

Not an issue. Barclays issues their AAmerican AAirlines AAviator line of cards (all MasterCards), while Citi issues their line of American Airlines cards (all Visas – I have several of them). It has never been an issue before with American Airlines, I assume it won’t be an issue going forward with Alaska/Hawaiian. That said, I am hoping that the Hawaiian program is simply folded into the Alaska program.

eric24 (@guest_1884736)
July 30, 2024 15:59

Citi AA cards are mastercards not visas, at least the one I have.

Dick Bupkiss
Dick Bupkiss (@guest_1885051)
July 31, 2024 02:14

Oops, brain fart on my part – you are of course correct, I stand corrected. All my Citi-issued cards are MCs these days. Ages ago, I had a Citi-branded Visa and even a City-branded Amex. Those days are over. I’m still not worried about this issue, once the programs merge it’ll be sorted out. Until then, make hay while the sun shines.

esaphire3 (@guest_1884783)
July 30, 2024 17:34

My citi aa are all mastercard

EruptingLoowit (@guest_1884974)
July 30, 2024 22:27

After merger, AS will let this sunset. They have been married to BOA forever.

TravelGeek (@guest_1885005)
July 30, 2024 23:33

Everything is negotiable, and no one here knows what AS’s and HA’s contracts with their banks say about the impact of acquisitions.

TravelGeek (@guest_1885003)
July 30, 2024 23:32

Citi used to issue AA cards as MC, Visa, and Amex (yes!). But now they only issue Mastercards. I don’t know if they replaced the old Visa and Amex cards – I canceled mine a long time ago.

Guava Juice
Guava Juice (@guest_1884597)
July 30, 2024 12:27

*slow clap*