[Expired] Best Buy: 15% Off iTunes Giftcards, Stack With AmEx Offer

Deal has expired, view more iTunes deals here.

The Offer

Direct link to offer (our affiliate link)

  • Best Buy is offering 15% off iTunes gift cards. Denominations of $100, $50 ,$25, $10 * 3 and physical/e-mail are all available.

The Fine Print

  • Limit of 3

Our Verdict

Seems like they are cancelling orders, the URL does say Black Friday sale so I wonder if it’s meant to go live or not? Others have got the order to go through so YMMV? This should stack with the American Express offer where you get $30 back if you spend $300+.

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Carl (@guest_627023)
August 4, 2018 16:09

Appears to be dead :/

Nick (@guest_623378)
July 28, 2018 22:19

Interestingly enough, the items are now “in-store only”, even the e-mail gift cards.

Justin (@guest_623120)
July 28, 2018 00:18

Also in the cancelled email right after ordering club

Gary (@guest_622941)
July 27, 2018 17:09

I tried to buy just one digital gift card, and it’s still showing “in progress” for 4 hours now…?

GJG (@guest_622983)
July 27, 2018 18:22

Took 6 hours for my second card. Purchased at 11eastern.

Adam (@guest_622927)
July 27, 2018 16:20

when this goes live, i am stocking up for tax season. I always seem to owe every year according to the IRS agent that calls me at home.

Sa (@guest_623027)
July 27, 2018 19:35

Haha. I read yesterday they arrested a bunch of them recently.

Mike (@guest_622854)
July 27, 2018 13:45

gift cards don’t work. Also canceled here

Lantean (@guest_622837)
July 27, 2018 13:08

Seems like the limit is 2.
Also, Amex offer excluded e-gift cards… so I guess order physical cards only, no?

bax (@guest_622904)
July 27, 2018 15:29

I got one order of 3 ready for pick-up. The next one for 3 got cancelled. All with different AU’s cards. The checkout specifically told me a limit of 3 when I tried to add 4 to bring the total over $300.

GJG (@guest_622666)
July 27, 2018 07:53

Works now. Got a $109 EGC within 10 minutes.

anon (@guest_622655)
July 27, 2018 04:52

Tried placing an order with 2x$100 egift cards. Order was cancelled instantly. As soon as I got the email confirming the order I clicked to check status and it was already cancelled.

Although the links contain black friday, maybe they aren’t totally misplaced because Best Buy is currently running “Black Friday in July”… so big HMMMMMM on this one.

EDIT: Just tried placing the order again. I realized the name on the card didn’t match the billing address I entered, so I fixed that the second time around. Looks like it hasn’t been cancelled yet. will keep updated.

EDIT: Cancelled.

Anon2 (@guest_622657)
July 27, 2018 05:34

Yep, can’t get a single order through either regardless of quantity or value of card ordered.

I’m using the credit card I have on file with them and ordered plenty of times before.

Never purchased a single iTunes card from them this year either.