Best Comments Of November

At the start of every month, I like to take a step back and thank all the readers who provided helpful comments the previous month. I also like to highlight the best comments from that month and to reward those readers who did leave one of the best comments. The aim is to hopefully help readers that might have missed these great comments by highlighting them here and also to give each reader a $10 Amazon gift card that is mentioned below.


Bank Bonuses

Credit Cards



Thanks again to everybody who left a comment last month and congratulations to the readers above who left one of the best comments. I’ll be in touch in the next couple of days with your reward of a $10 Amazon gift card.

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Dan (@guest_531951)
December 7, 2017 10:44

This is one of the most useful posts you make. It always points out important things I would have never otherwise seen. To me the Huntington Bank 1 year limit not being enforced is pretty big (considering they offer some large bonuses). So just curious, is that something you would you point out in future Huntington Bank posts (maybe a link to the comment), or would my only way to know that be to read that comment?