Bilt Rewards Adds Marriott As 1:1 Transfer Partner, 100 Points For Linking

Bilt Rewards has announced Marriott as the latest travel partner. Members can transfer Bilt points to Marriott at a rate of 1:1. In addition for every 20,000 Bilt points you transfer in a single transfer you’ll receive 5,000 bonus Marriott points.  You can also earn 100 Bilt points by linking your Bilt & Marriott accounts in the Bilt app.

Given Bilt’s other transfer partners and the transfer rate I don’t think this is a particularly interesting transfer partner and represents poor value. It might get interesting if Bilt offers an insane transfer bonus.

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G (@guest_1733520)
November 9, 2023 09:18

Did anyone receive the 100 points for linking yet? Has not showed up yet for me

Jt1 (@guest_1734098)
November 9, 2023 21:14

Showed up for me almost instantly

NomadicBroski (@guest_1734392)
November 10, 2023 11:18

Didn’t get anything either

NomadicBroski (@guest_1735863)
November 13, 2023 09:17

Heads up, I had to request manual adjustment in order to get the points.

John (@guest_1732942)
November 8, 2023 17:10

Forgive my ignorance, but aren’t Mariott points like $0.005 cents per point?

jt1 (@guest_1733002)
November 8, 2023 18:22

Usually between 0.5-0.8cpp, but I did get 1cpp once. But either way I won’t be transferring any Bilt points to Marriott

Bill S
Bill S (@guest_1732721)
November 8, 2023 13:04

Anyone else have trouble linking some programs? I’ve linked a bunch, and just did Marriott, but some error out when I try to link. Specifically, United and Aeroplan won’t link.

Arioid (@guest_1732751)
November 8, 2023 13:37

No issues for me

AGA (@guest_1732895)
November 8, 2023 16:05

Every partner works, except I am having trouble creating a Hawaiian Airlines and Iberia account.

Twila (@guest_1733113)
November 8, 2023 21:07

Yes, I noticed when logging into United it would go blank. I hit back in the Bilt App, clicked the link account again, and then the United page loaded.

jt1 (@guest_1733125)
November 8, 2023 21:29

I had issues with British Airways but it eventually worked when I tried again a few weeks later. No problems with any of the others though

deadbeat traveler
deadbeat traveler (@guest_1732604)
November 8, 2023 10:36

It would be nice if Wells Fargo allowed their Bilt card to be used to pay mortgages. Would change the game if they did this and would immediately catapult the card to being one of the most desired cards on the market.

Tee M
Tee M (@guest_1732868)
November 8, 2023 15:40

You can: BILT needs to update your profile and then it works. That’s how I pay my mortgage.

James L
James L (@guest_1733146)
November 8, 2023 21:45

Can you clarify what you mean by update your profile? This is the first time I’ve heard Bilt can pay for a mortgage.

Tee M
Tee M (@guest_1733266)
November 8, 2023 22:59

You need to contact them to let them know you no longer rent and want to use your card to pay the mortgage.

They actually mentioned it to me when I first converted my points to offset (a tiny part of) the down payment. They offered to update my profile to enable mortgage payment.

A couple emails back and forth later, I was set.

James L
James L (@guest_1733766)
November 9, 2023 13:49

Thank you for this clarification! This is surprising since Bilt’s FAQ says they don’t support mortgage payments but I think it’s worth a try.

Pat (@guest_1734061)
November 9, 2023 20:22

what exactly did you say/who did you contact?

Tried this and it didn’t work

Kiryu (@guest_1734155)
November 9, 2023 23:22

I’m curious if that’s a hidden feature for converting the points for a down payment, did you get the mortgage through wells fargo or another bank?

Zac H
Zac H (@guest_1732504)
November 8, 2023 08:08

Probably won’t ever transfer to Marriott but loving the link bonuses, did a flurry of signup/links and got 1.3k for the trouble!