Blackhawk Prepaid Data Breach Class Action Lawsuit

Blackhawk Class Settlement

Settlement website | Submit a Claim

Plaintiffs say that Blackhawk was negligent in having a (previously disclosed) data breach occurred in October 2022. A third party obtained unauthorized access to payment card  information about certain prepaid cards being managed by users through

Who is Eligible

You are a member of the Settlement Class if you are a resident of the United States whose information was accessed in the Data Security Incident and you received notice from Blackhawk. 

How Much

A Settlement Class Member who timely submits a valid and approved Claim Form shall be entitled  to a Claimant Award:

  • Out-of-Pocket Losses of up to $5,000 may be awarded for any valid claim with proof of losses that are fairly traceable to the Data Security Incident and may be subject to pro rata reduction if insufficient funds remain.
  • CCPA Payment will be awarded to any California Subclass Member in the amount of $200 and may be pro rata decreased if insufficient funds remain.
  •  Pro rata cash payment will be determined based on the number of claims received and the amount of funds remaining in the Settlement Fund following the payment of any Attorneys’ Fees and Expenses Award, any Service Awards, the Costs of Claims Administration, claims for Out-of-Pocket Losses, and claims for CCPA Payments.
  • After payment of the above awards, if any money remains from the Net Settlement Amount, that  money will be distributed pro rata among all Settlement Class Members who timely submitted a  valid and approved Claim Form, or if too little money remains to make such a payment, the money  will be donated to an appropriate charity.

Blackhawk has also agreed to certain enhancements to its data security.

Important Dates

  • October 2022 was the data breach.
  • You must submit a completed Claim Form no later than April 11, 2024.

  • The final approval hearing on this is scheduled for May 14, 2024.

Our Verdict

Anyone affected should have received notice about their eligibility. The payout could end up being decent for the small amount of people eligible for this, especially those who live in California.

Hat tip to reader M.A.S.

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Pam (@guest_1811779)
March 11, 2024 09:30

Long time user of Blackhawk in the past, but no notice from them on being eligible. Hmmm.

AdoptaPetInstead (@guest_1808169)
March 5, 2024 10:40

Historically used blackhawk network for gift cards, but didn’t receive a notice. I suppose that means my data wasn’t compromised?

Summer (@guest_1808013)
March 5, 2024 02:25

What are some examples of “Out-of-Pocket Expense Claim” we could claim?

BillyBudd (@guest_1807973)
March 4, 2024 23:13

On the Swagbucks reddit, there have been reports of money going missing on the myprepaidcenter site. Last week someone reported their new card was immediately drained and used to buy Steam gift cards.

Sounds like the site hasn’t fixed their security issues.

Jack (@guest_1812350)
March 12, 2024 03:25

Wtf. Still? That’s ridiculous.

Jack (@guest_1807792)
March 4, 2024 18:24
Joe (@guest_1807766)
March 4, 2024 17:31

What were the criteria for being eligible? Was this only for the people who have accounts on these sites and register all their VGC?

Earl (@guest_1807755)
March 4, 2024 17:16

I bought a $500 VGC a few weeks ago from my local grocery store and had it drained almost entirely 3 days later. It was only my 2nd time ever buying one of these and I found out that it was managed by Blackhawk Network Inc California. Filed the claim with them and it is still in pending for about 3 weeks now. Oddly enough, the fraudulent charged occured in California about 30 minutes away from their HQ.

Burgers? (@guest_1807750)
March 4, 2024 17:08

I thought I could file multiple claims but the Staples manager limited me to one.

Mist (@guest_1807747)
March 4, 2024 16:52

BHN’s VGC registration still goes through without checking the box on terms.
These guys are absolutely incredible.

Kevin (@guest_1807739)
March 4, 2024 16:29

I had to file two BBB complaints I won it was expedited after the vanilla company got into hot water that week to be exact. That industry needs to adopt a two factor authentication type system to strengthen their security.

Jack (@guest_1808077)
March 5, 2024 08:57

As long as the 2FA has nothing to do with phone numbers, I’m fine with that. 2FA that relies on SMS is a joke.