The Offer
- Bluegreen Vacations (choice hotels timeshare) is offering 3 nights for $279, you also get a $275 mastercard giftcard for free
Our Verdict
Usually you can get a better than advertised deal by calling in. Last deal that was offered was 3 Nights, 40K Points For $199.
Hat tip to FM
@chuckisthe This deal is still going, but they now only have 8 options (despite what shows on the website) it’s just these since Hilton took over: Vegas, Orlando, Myrtle Beach, Wisconsin Dells, Smoky Mountains, New Orleans, St Petersburg FL, and Ozark Mtns, MO.
However, there are additional point options:
1) 70,000 Choice Points
2) 20,000 Choice Points & $150
I chose 70k choice points, comes to $.004 per point plus 3 free nights. Also, you get $25 bonus mastercard GC for booking (not staying) within 30 days of purchase – this stacks with all options. 15mo cooldown from your previous STAY.
Also they give 250pts for calling, which also pushes your 18mo expiration for choice points (posted in 24hr)
i did it in Dec. 2024 my first timeshare presentation… and was offered 60k points and $250 gift card.. for $149 including 3 nights at their (crappy) resort.
here is a map to help tie generic locations to specific hotels:
Any idea what Savannah location might be?
In Georgia
You’re hysterical. Thanks for taking time to respond. Must be a very slow day for you.
not 100%, but 99.99% sure it is this one:
Thanks this looks great
Possibly this:
The Studio Homes at Ellis Square
120 W. Bryan Street
Savannah, GA 31401
phone 912.233.6820
Happy to help.
which is the best resort in FL ?
They’re basically paying you to have the opportunity to scam you in the WORST way possible. Not worth the torture in my book.
Could not agree more.
My experience with a similar Bluegreen Offer:
5m Sign in w/ personal details (their standard form asks to pull your credit, you can refuse that)
10m Initial chat with sales
45m person lead presentation
10m followup chat w/ sales on specific benefits
5m intro with closer
15m tour of a couple of units
5m chat on pricing w/ closer
5m pick up benefit
I did end up getting out ~15m early
It sound that was done online? or actually on-site?
No. 100% happens on site.
Did you have to bring documentation to prove you met the 50k income requirement?
No you never need to.
Thanks for the detailed time-breakdown 🙂
Tried to check what the hotel options for the 3 nights are but it just lists cities without telling you which property it will be. That’s a major red flag for me. If they cant tell you upfront where the hotel is and what hotel it is, something is definitely up.
And I’ve done these timeshare things before without issue so this is even sketch for me.
I concur, I did a blue green one in New Hampshire. I called first and had to pay extra to be at the resort, otherwise the hotel was some crappy run down hotel down the street. I even looked it up while on the phone to mention how bad the ratings were. It was like $150 more for a real room which was still a good deal. I think at the time it was $150 and like $150 back after the presentation .
Agreed, here is a map to help tie generic locations to specific hotels:
I’ve never done one of these presentations before. I also hardly use Choice at all..
I just called in and talked for 20 minutes to see what they could offer.
The best she came up with was:
$199 for the 3 nights / 4 days
$100 Mastercard and 30,000 Choice points
40,000 choice points
I just did a quick search on Choice’s web site and saw basic motels in my city go for about 25,000 Choice points per night lol
This seems like a mediocre deal at best.. but never having done one of these before.. I could be wrong?
Please let me know
I had an offer for 70k points last year, but the price was at 279 for 4 days 3 nights. Sometimes they also send out email offers after you purchase the initial package to urge you to book an actual travel date. The one I ended up getting was an additional 150 Mastercard (on top of the points).
Ya I did one, but then tried the xtra incentive, $125 MC and said my particular package was not applicable-then why send me the email right?
YMMV, I was told 90min presentation but rarely go that long, then the online part states must attend 2 full hours of complete presentation. Quite a few concerning ratings online for Bliegreen as well.
Never done one of these so what’s the catch? Do they force you to sign a contract or something?
You usually only have a few attempts per lifetime so you want to get an all-time high offer. If you miss the presentation then you pay the full price of the trip, so don’t sleep in. You need to be mentally tough to not cave into these traps. If travelling with a spouse (usually required if you have one), you need to make sure they are too.
Also mine says accountable for all tax, fees and parking(if applicable) during 3 night stay, hmm.
If you sign something, you’ve lost.
I didn’t get the last part on my experience but you usually go through about four sales:
1) Initial attempt at a grand slam commission offer from the first salesperson
2) Lower priced package with less points/worse week smaller room from the closer
3) Lowest priced package they offer which is _very_ not useful from the closer
4) Last-Ditch-Effort Post sales “survey” from a different closer that leads into a trial package where you get another sales presentation package for ~$1-4k for effectively a week, maybe two of travel that expires in 1-2 year but no further commitment (you don’t get a deed). Essentially you pay the maintenance fees for the timeshare
They are very good at responding to your rebuttals so be prepared for them to phrase questions in a way that leans towards you saying yes, even to trivial things. As long as you say No to the actual offers you will be good.
Man I live in NJ but for sure I would love to attend those timeshares, will they book a flight for me to attend these presentations?