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random52 (@guest_1460974)
October 8, 2022 20:35

Direct link to offer is broken

Vic (@guest_614791)
July 9, 2018 10:38

I just did this by entering the zip code of their palm desert branch and got instant approval. The next afternoon I got a call from them saying I am outside of their trade area so my account was closed. I said I’ll be moving there in 2 weeks once my rental lease is signed but they wouldn’t budge (“Please go to a branch once you move to the trade area and open an account again.”)

bill (@guest_612725)
July 4, 2018 05:16

I just applied and I was offered 300. I think it’s gone up. Also, DD is not required if you have 10 card transactions over $500 in 60 days

Joshua (@guest_611917)
July 2, 2018 21:13

I opened it on 6/2018. It pulled the inquiry on my ChexSystem report.

William (@guest_601678)
June 2, 2018 09:03


SHAWN (@guest_597232)
May 20, 2018 15:15

Bonus is now $300

kj (@guest_591015)
May 6, 2018 10:48

Bonus has now increased to $300.

Richard (@guest_587380)
April 27, 2018 14:47

The offer page is different now. It lists new validity dates (April 28, 2018 to June 24, 2018), and is now a $300 bonus instead.

Seems to be mostly the same terms, with the marked addition of this:

“Past customers who ever received a gift from FirstBank are ineligible for this offer.”

Sammy (@guest_587552)
April 28, 2018 04:13

Datapoint: I am also seeing the same offer. I opened my FirstBank account online and had to verify my application in a Arizona branch on 4/7. I have not received a hard pull since then. I opted out of overdraft protection for sure. Those that have not met the requirements for the $200 yet can be asked to match the $300 promotional bonus via secured message as I have.

Joe (@guest_586794)
April 26, 2018 13:41

New Offer from 4/28/18 – 6/24/18
the bonus has been upped to $300, same terms and conditions ($500 DD OR $500 in 10 or more debit card transactions, must keep open 6 months, no fees, etc)

DP – Direct Mailer

Thomas (@guest_580828)
April 12, 2018 13:06

Live in Arizona. Have two Accounts with First Bank. They did a hard pull twice (without my knowledge) after opening 2 accounts online the same day.. Bank is somewhat behind the times when it comes to other banks, such as funding, transfers from other banks. etc. They never have made a mistake, just not as progressive as other banks that I have accounts with.