Campanile Priority Pass Restaurant Option Removed From LAX

In mid September Priority Pass added the following restaurant option: Campanile @ Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) – Terminal 4. For some reason this option has now been removed and is no longer available for Priority Pass members. It’s unclear if this is a temporary problem of if it’s been removed permanently. Priority Pass members still have access to P.F. Chang’s in the international terminal and Barney’s Beanery in terminal 2, plus some other more traditional lounges.

Recently a restaurant option was added to Salt Lake City only for it to be quickly removed as well. A manager at that restaurant claimed it was due to Priority Pass non payment. Let’s hope that these issues get resolved quickly and more restaurant options are added.

Hat tip to OMaaT

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Mark (@guest_656853)
October 14, 2018 00:51

Sorry if this is a bit off topic, but I figured frequent LAX people would know. Normally you can access these lounges and restaurants when you are arriving at LAX. At one time it used to be possible to end up inside security (in the AA area of T4) when arriving internationally at TBIT. Last couple of times I ended up outside security, but I wasn’t trying to end up inside. For my next LAX arrival i want to be inside. Is it still possible?

MoreSun (@guest_656844)
October 14, 2018 00:11

Very sad to hear.

Went there the first week and 2 huge issues:
1) no connectivity to Priority Pass. Literally the server said it was horrible to try to get a single to the PP system & many times it didn’t work, something about the T-Mobile hotspot didn’t work. Fwiw even my phone signal was in & out inside that restaurant.
2) server I had HATED PP and it was the first week. Literally the first thing she said when we said we were on Priority Passes was with a bit of a laugh “ohh, very important people, shouldn’t you have a very nice lounge to be in?” (I’m decent enough I laughed it off but… awkward.) She explained it takes time for the food to be made & many PP “want it NOW! But that’s not how it works there, it’s just NOT possible!!” Weird, again. We had time by the time it came out to shove half of it down before we had to leave (took about 20 mins) but at least we knew it would take a bit having the heads up. But tbh the drinks should not have taken 15 mins.

I know PP passengers can suck so I tipped generously & really hoped they’d stick around but as I remember my experience… the issues facing this place were bad. I’m not surprised they left between the connectivity issues & what I suspect is the general hit moral takes when PP is introduced with massive increase in crowds trying to get fast bang for their PP buck… I wrote PP after my trip & told them of the connectivity issues. I really think the server was just at the end of her rope & she probably wasn’t the only one.

sdsearch (@guest_656789)
October 13, 2018 21:22

Not all of LAX’s terminals are connected airside. There’s an airside connector between 4 and the international terminal (TBIT), but last I heard there’s no airside connector between those and terminal 3. So having an alternate restaurant in the airport may or may not help depending on which terminal it’s in. (Plus even with an airside connector, that only helps if you have plenty of time.)

Alex (@guest_656808)
October 13, 2018 22:13

I flew oct 9th and didn’t see it on my app.

Went to P.F. Chang’s which was pretty good of a deal.

Kal lounge now closes at 8pm for priority pass users ! So sad

MoreSun (@guest_656849)
October 14, 2018 00:36

Were you flying internationally?

Alex (@guest_656854)
October 14, 2018 00:58

Yes I was

JB (@guest_657068)
October 14, 2018 17:01

Yup KAL Lounge always closes at 8 for PP. my brother missed it by 10 min and they wouldn’t let him in. I’ll have to see if they’ll let me in if I’m flying KAL (worked at the Alaska Lounge when they were full and I was flying Virgin, and they were pretty full).

Josh (@guest_656783)
October 13, 2018 21:13

I went there during the first week they accepted PP. The service was pretty slow as they were adjusting to PP.

Gena (@guest_656775)
October 13, 2018 20:35

I think it literally disappeared while I was at LAX yesterday. I was dropped off and saw it and then didn’t. All around 8:30pm pt.

Frank (@guest_656772)
October 13, 2018 20:21

I think the problem was that people thought their food and service sucked. Was going to head there but <2 stars on yelp and google so nope'd right out of that

MoreSun (@guest_656851)
October 14, 2018 00:37

Honestly I thought the food was fine. Overpriced without PP though and they played price games (charged higher price at least on my drink than they listed on the menu!) so no way in heck would I return without PP.

Ryan (@guest_656768)
October 13, 2018 20:09

I was there a couple of weeks ago and I was told they weren’t getting paid. Also, the large influx of priority pass users negatively impacted their customer service.