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waitedforphotosguy (@guest_1731573)
November 6, 2023 22:36

Item finally came in. Very delayed, but I guess understandable considering the size of biz and the quantity of people who probably jumped on this. At least I respect them for going through with it and actually delivering on the free stuff lol

Sad face
Sad face (@guest_1721218)
October 23, 2023 13:18

Nothing was shipped. I almost forgot this one till today I received their advertisement email. I tried to login to check the update. But my account was deleted and show “no account found with that email”.

joe (@guest_1718649)
October 19, 2023 12:24

I left a negative review and the responded saying it was due to shortage of material but will ship when they’re restocked. I finally received confirmation of shipment today

Kai (@guest_1716415)
October 16, 2023 13:35

Just got mine in the mail today. The resolution is good but I ordered landscape and the magnets were printed in portrait.

Also came with a 35% off any order coupon which I will never use.

joe (@guest_1719712)
October 20, 2023 16:19

I received my order today too. It was photos however were poorly cut with whites showing, I wouldn’t have wanted it even it’s free

Better Planet Bob
Better Planet Bob (@guest_1721099)
October 23, 2023 10:14

Same with me. Very frustrating as I clearly specified landscape and saw it previewed as such. Straight in the trash. Guess we know to never do an order actually spending money with them.

Andy (@guest_1730512)
November 5, 2023 01:31

Landscape-portrait screwup here too. Thought my issue was a one-off.

For anyone on the sidelines just curious for more detail, they did not resize or scale or anything when they did it in the wrong orientation.

So basically, imagine your picture is cut into thirds, side-by-side. The middle third of your image is printed. The right and left thirds of your image are cropped out and discarded.

bruh (@guest_1707926)
October 3, 2023 10:29

nothing yet lol

Howard (@guest_1707399)
October 2, 2023 16:24

Received the stickers. Pretty poor product.

Tyree Wilson
Tyree Wilson (@guest_1705762)
September 29, 2023 13:19

I’m 0/6 on these being shipped out.

Howard (@guest_1705754)
September 29, 2023 13:13

Looks like my package is arriving in today’s mail.

J2 (@guest_1702134)
September 25, 2023 16:07

This is starting to look shaky. Hope proven wrong.

Dave (@guest_1704749)
September 28, 2023 15:34

Oh…I’m a scared…

Frreebies (@guest_1700243)
September 22, 2023 16:03

Has anyone gotten shipment confirmation?

Sid (@guest_1701089)
September 24, 2023 01:50

Have not heard from them. Not even an order confirmation and it has been several days.

Howard (@guest_1701202)
September 24, 2023 09:41


Teresa Henning
Teresa Henning (@guest_1701887)
September 25, 2023 09:26

I even downloaded the Shop App from the email no shipping updates still.

Deva (@guest_1704747)
September 28, 2023 15:33

No. Just email confirmation. And it’s been a week or so ..