Update 12/31/22: Increased meal kit offers are showing again now on Capital One Offers – that’s the one in the credit card login – and possibly for some this is showing in other of Capital One portal platforms like the Shopping app (see this post for more info on the Capital One portals). Rates showing now: $70 back on Green Chef, $52 back on Hello Fresh, $28 back on Home Chef. Possibly for first-time subscribers only. (ht AbjectRaise)
Original Post 9/28/22:Â
We reviewed the Capital One Shopping portal earlier this year. A number of readers reached out about increased cashback rates found in the Capital One shopping mobile app. The rates from the app seem to be especially increased for meal delivery apps. Sample deals available to some right now:
- Freshly $30
- Hello Fresh $75
- Blue Apron $60
- Green chef $67.5
- Factor $54
- Hungryroot $50
Note, these amounts apparently vary by person. Personally I do see the rates much higher in the app versus the online portal, but not as high as the above-mentioned rates. YMMV.
For those keeping score, I believe there are now four separate things that can be intended when someone refers to a deal from Capital One:
- Capital One Offers which are offers found on Capital One cards within your bank/card login, similar to Chase Offers and Bank Amerideals; these earn actual cashback (versus the Capital One portal which needs to be redeemed as a gift card); there is a max $1,000 cashback per 3 billing cycles; you don’t need to use a Capital One credit card, but you need to have a Capital One card or account login to get access to these offers
- Capital One Spring which are special offers for businesses which anyone can sign up for (direct link)
- Capital One Shopping online portal which is a traditional shopping portal, similar to Rakuten and Topcashback (direct link)
- Capital One Shopping app which is the app version of the online portal and shares the same account and password with the portal, but sometimes has elevated offers
I don’t believe the blurb on capitaloneoffers is correct. If you have a capital one card , click through the offer and don’t use a capital one card for payment, the purchase will still track but it will remain as pending and you will not get the statement credit. I’ve seen this discussed on other sites and I have had the same experience. I have over 40 transactions going back up to a year that I never got a credit for. I’ve only received the credit for the purchases made with a capital one card. Customer service us useless.
if I dont have a capital one credit card, is using my debit card sufficient to get the credit?
Just placed an order with Blue Apron. It auto applied a discount so 2 meals for 2 people per week came out to $2.96. That’s a heck of a deal even without cash back.
The Capital One Shopping app also has elevated offers. I’m seeing:
Hello Fresh $60
Green Chef $70
Factor75 $70
EveryPlate $40 (this one was a cost of $24 for the smallest meal plan a few days ago whem I checked)
The only caveat with the offers on the Capital One Shopping app are that the redemption offers are a limited selection of store gift cards (no Visa/MC or PayPal options.) I think Walmart is the only general merchandise store. I haven’t used the other Capital One portals so I don’t know if they have different redemption options.
I’ll add a note about the app
To add onto my above comment: EveryPlate is $23.53 for 3 meals (6 servings) and Factor75 is $42.17 for 6 meals (6 meals/week is now the lowest plan you can choose – it used to be 4.)
FYI these can be done multiple times. Not at the same time of course but I’ve successfully ordered Home Chef and Hello Fresh twice this year through Cap One Offers and gotten credit both times. Orders were spaced out by 6-7 months.
Will it work if you purchase GC’s? I am currently ordering Home Chef with my AMEX because of the $15 a month credit, but if I could order a Gift Certificate using the Cap One offer that would be a great way to double up. BTW the Home Chef meals are amazingly good!
I don’t know. I’ve only ever purchased meal kits.
OK reading the terms of the offer it says Gift Cards are not allowed.
Might be some DPs floating around on Reddit.
Anyone able to get credited for doing two different orders? Was wanting to do the Laithwaites Wine and WSJ Wine offers again. Any luck?
I used the Everyplate offer for $40 cashback on 9/5/2022 and still haven’t received it. The terms say credit will be applied within 3 statement cycles which I figured would be by 11/11/2022. Called customer service and she told the first cycle starts with the statement after the one in which you purchased. i’ve been waiting 73 days now. They were not helpful at all. I guess I will wait one more statement cycle but I don’t have a good feeling about this. I used the website to purchase. Is the app more reliable?
I also used the website to participate in CapitalOne Offers for several of these deals, which gives a statement credit directly on my CapOne card (instead of the Shopping Offers, which are redeemed for gift cards). I JUST got my first credit, 50 days later (could also be considered 2 weeks after my second statement posted).
10/3 – charge for Blue Apron
10/8 and 11/7 statements posted
11/22 – credit for Blue Apron appears online
Ohh! Thanks for the reply. The light finally went on on this mystery. And I just saw the original post mentioned the app and not the website. I used the website shopping offer instead since I’m not an app guy. I thought it was the same. Still haven’t got the credit but the next cycle end this weekend, so hopefully it will be arrive.
I’m not finding much rhyme or reason with the timing of the credits. I got my second credit 61 days after the purchase:
10/8 – charge for Green Chef
10/8, 11/7, 12/8 statements posted
12/9 – credit for Green Chef appears in account
So far, I’ve gotten an email confirmation for each one, so I’m pretty sure I’ll eventually get the credits for all the offers I’ve used.
I am trying to redeem Walmart gift card in denomination of $20 and $25 and they keep cancelling my gift card purchase multiple times. I might have tried more than 6-7 times. After 10-12 hours of placing the order, its just cancelled out and disappeared from “Gift card purchase history”. Any idea why would that be happening?
My Green Chef $64 Cap1 just posted. Took 31 Days. Looking for my Laithwaites Wine to post tomorrow, 31 days as well.
DP. I booked IHG stays with points and used Cap1 portal. $6.95 posted to my Cap1 shopping portal account when using points at IHG.
The cashback for my Green Chef order from Sep 25th just appeared in my account. So just over a month
ya just got mine, man these gift cards selection are limited but it’s something.
anyone got their cashback? I’m hitting 30 days and it’s still tracked pending.
Doesn’t cap 1 take the full 30 days at least? It’s been 28 days since the offer was posted on 9/28.
I have pending cash back still for a different 9/26 purchase.