is by far my favorite site for checking which shopping portal has the best rates, despite the name it also shows miles & points portals as well. It’s long had awesome features like your own dashboard showing you the merchants you want to see rates for at a quick glance, alerts for specific merchants and more.
They very recently added an absolute killer feature that I’ve been begging for: best rate history. Basically what this done is it allows me to select a merchant and then see what the best rate has been historical (it even breaks it down into Cash, Travel Mileage/Points, Bank/Credit Card Points, Other Reward Points sub sections).
This is awesome because I can get a feel for each merchant and how generous they’ve been in the past. Let’s say I had a non essential purchase I wanted to make for American Express gift cards, I could quickly see that they regularly offer 2% cash back (even if it’s only one day at a time) – so I’d be better waiting for that then purchasing them for only 1.5% cash back. Then I can team this with their alert system so that it automatically notifies me when that 2% cash back rate comes along.
You could do the same if you knew you wanted to purchase a new TV from Best Buy for example as well, or any other purchase that didn’t need to be made immediately. If you haven’t checked out cash back monitor before, I’d strongly recommend you do so.
To see this new feature, just click on Best Rate History (see screenshot below). At the moment the data is a bit limited as it only goes back until the 7th of March, but over time it’ll become more and more useful.
And this is what you will see:
I don’t have any affiliation with Cash Back Monitor and I didn’t receive any financial incentive for this post, but I believe in drawing attention to websites that make our lives a little easier – especially when they listen to their users feedback. The only way that this feature could be made even better is if they added individual information for each mileage/point system – or better yet for all portals (I know some people only like to use eBates for example).
Anyone know if it’s possible to register at without using one’s Facebook, Twitter, or Google id?
I asked them this question on their “Contact Us” form, but they didn’t answer.
can you give more information on your question so I able to answer you