Chase Bringing Back The Metal Ritz-Carlton Card For Existing Cardholders [Update: Lower Weight]

Update 2/3/24: The new cards are starting to arrive and they are not as premium/heavy as the original cards. The new cards weigh 17 grams and the old cards weighed 28 grams. First world problems but seems a weird move to celebrate the return of the old cards and then deliver an inferior product. Hat tip to EatMoreSleepMore

The Chase Ritz-Carlton card is no longer accepting new sign ups, but existing cardholders have been able to keep their cards/accounts. The Ritz-Carlton card used to offer a premium metal card, but that was discontinued some time ago. Chase has sent out e-mails to existing cardholders stating that they are bringing back this metal card and a new one will be sent out.

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sonia (@guest_1795108)
February 8, 2024 14:47

just received my card. if chase didn’t put out a notice saying these are more metal than their other metal cards, i wouldn’t be able to tell

Harman (@guest_1793893)
February 6, 2024 11:55

This change is identical to the recent change to the CSR. There is slightly less plastic on the face of the card, and slightly more metal in the middle layer of the card.

The difference is most notable on the face of the card. The member name and the Ritz branding (and for the CSR, the Chase branding) are now engraved through the thinner plastic rather than printed on top of it.

I was hoping for the return of the full metal Ritz card. It’s a shame, but this card has never been kept in my wallet anyway, so who cares.

H XU (@guest_1793548)
February 5, 2024 19:18

flyer said coming with new CVV and Exp Date, HOWEVER, the same as my old card

I expect at least it can match Platinum card as one piece metal one, BUT….
new card still the sandwich structure(Plastic + metal + Plastic), just the plastic layer much thinner than the old one

Raylan (@guest_1793327)
February 5, 2024 14:30

Why do so many people care about this?

chbartel (@guest_1793170)
February 5, 2024 10:55

well, that is disappointing! I still have the original heavy Ritz card, was looking forward to the same. It was crazy, sometimes when they put my card in card readers it would reboot the machine, it happened at more than one location. I ended up having to give them a different card to use.

Monegask (@guest_1793162)
February 5, 2024 10:38

Huge marketing move to get us all talking about it. They also updated the CSR to 17/18g to match the Platinum so I guess that’s what they are trying to do.

DLl (@guest_1792691)
February 4, 2024 16:34

I still have my original heavy card, will use it until it expires

Anthony (@guest_1792613)
February 4, 2024 13:43

I received mine. I’m disappointed because it’s not as nearly as heavy as the original. It is a slight improvement. Why bother making an announcement and building up anticipation if the weren’t bringing back the original cards? Chase Cheapoes.

Jack (@guest_1792612)
February 4, 2024 13:42

Bonvoyed on weight… Atlas Card it is.

AinthePNW (@guest_1792601)
February 4, 2024 13:20

I just got the new card. It’s heavier than my CSP, but still way lighter than the original card. It seems to be engraved and not plastic glued to metal like the CSP.

This is a slight perk for me as almost all of my cards are cheap metal like the CSP. It’s annoying bc I often go to the beach or pool with my CSP and keep it on me… it rusts, constantly. This never happened with my OG ritz card. First world problems, but maybe this card won’t rust? Or maybe I should just tell my Hyatt card with me to the beach/pool it’s the good old plastic, lol.