(Update 10/4/22: Issue has been fixed and many readers are reporting successfully product changing over the phone.)
Numerous people are reporting being denied product changing their Chase card, e.g. to downgrade to a no-annual-fee card and the like. The issue seems to have cropped up over the past day or two.
Let’s hope this is just a temporary system issue and not a policy change in the ability to product change cards. We’ll update this developing story as more information becomes available.
I downgraded my Southwest Rapid Rewards Priority to a Plus card last week over the phone with no issues.
I was victim to this issue trying to change my CSR to CSP. Had to call back the next day.
I got a Saphire Preferred about 18 months ago. At the end of this membership year, I want to downgrade it to a no fee card. But sometimes, I feel it is better to cancel it and apply for a new card, so that I will get sign on bonus. I applied for two cards in the last 24 months. Any suggestions please. Thanks
You can downgrade to an OG Freedom and then apply for a new CSP once you’re eligible for the bonus again. If you cancel, you’ll lose the credit history from that line of credit. If you have the ability to downgrade to a card without an annual fee, I’d just downgrade.
Is it easy to ask for OG Freedom as it is discontinued card? Or do we need to convince by using some specific weaknesses as reason?
I was able to Product Change over the phone today from CSP to Freedom.
(Over the phone) I did a product change on 9/13 successfully. CSP to Freedom Flex.
I had the CSP for 4 years.
I called Monday and they said the new policy is to go by AF not one year anniversary. For example, if you opened CSP October 1, 2021 then you would have to wait November 1, 2022 to PC. I called October 3, 2022 to PC and they said it was not allowed. I called Tuesday and was able to successfully PC. In the past you could send your request via Secure Message but they no longer allow that service.
I just product changed a chase freedom unlimited to a chase freedom flex over the phone.
Is it possible to change from the IHG Credit card to the Hyatt?
No. You need to stay in the same family. You could PC from IHG Premier to IHG Traveler credit card for $0AF.
okay, Thanks
Not related, but can you change Reserve to Freedom Flex?
I suggest switching to the OG Freedom instead. That way, you can apply for the Flex and get the bonus on the card. You cannot get the bonus when product changing.
called yesterday asking PC my wife chase reserve to freedom was told not working but worked today just FYI
Please keep us posted on if the wife product change works, inquiring minds want to know.
Was able to call in and get a PC done. CSR -> FU. CS rep mentioned it was fixed this morning.