Chase Double Dips No Longer Working

For some time it’s been possible to apply for two Chase cards on the same day to avoid certain rules. It looks like these double dips are no longer working and Chase is manually reviewing these and denying applicants one of the cards. Sometimes the applicant has been able to choose the card they want to keep and in other cases Chase is the one doing the choosing. The most common double dips have been:

  • Chase Sapphire Preferred/Reserve. You’re limited to the sign up bonus once every 48 months on either of these cards (e.g getting the bonus on the Reserve makes you ineligible on the Sapphire).
  • Southwest Cards. Same as above, but 24 months instead of 48. This makes it impossible to get the Southwest companion pass with just personal credit cards. You can still do one business, one personal.
  • 4/24. If you were sitting at 4 new cards within the past 24 months you could apply for two Chase cards and get approved for both. Now the second card will be denied.

Hat tip to /r/churningduffcalifornia

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Penny (@guest_1080147)
October 27, 2020 16:18

DP: Applied for Amazon and Freedom Flex on the same day. Got auto approved for Amazon and got a “need more time message” for the Flex. Ended up getting a denial letter in the mail 5 days after applying. Called recon say I received the denial letter, they said there was no credit pull for the flex as I applied to the same day and the system auto-denied the application and asked for permission to repull my credit again for this application.

Prior to these 2 applications, was at 1/24.. Amazon made it 2/24

ADistinguishedFella (@guest_705541)
January 13, 2019 19:42

With the latest changes, can I still apply for two personal cards from different families, and two business cards from different families, on the same day and not get flagged/auto-denied? In other words, does the 2-in-30-days rule now apply to personal/biz categories combined?

E.g., a combination of CSP, United MPX personal, United MPX biz, and Ink Preferred on the same day.

I’m 0/24.

Newbie (@guest_653713)
October 7, 2018 18:16

Just like to add another data point, I was automatically approved online for the Saphire and the Freedom in the same day, they went ahead and shipped both cards but by the time the cards arrived the Freedom account had been closed. Calling they said apparently it had been closed the day after the cards shipped, due to multiple applications in the same day. I only see one credit pull on equifax, and thankfully they let me keep the CSP so in my case it didn’t do any harm.

Orin (@guest_644660)
September 19, 2018 19:40

DP: It was not clear from this post if the not allowing double dip only applied to those at 4/24, trying to get around 5/24.

I had a friend who is at 0/24. He applied for one chase card and was approved. I figured we would try and double dip to save the second hard pull and worst case they would close it down due to not allowing double dips in same day. The second card was auto approved but then shut down manually after a few days by the Lending Department.

This is a DP from last Sunday to today.

I guess the next thing we need to know is how long must one wait between one approval to be able to get another card. Can one wait one day and then apply successfully without being cancelled? Obviously it would be another HP. Or does one have to wait longer, such as over 30 days?

NinjaX (@guest_658127)
October 16, 2018 06:39

this new rule doesnt change anything else. just follow 2/30 and u will be fine.

Keith (@guest_1675924)
August 20, 2023 02:28

But wouldn’t 2/30 mean that you actually can apply for 2 cards the same day, as long as you don’t do a 3rd one for the next 30 days? Or, does 2/30 mean you can do one today, but you have to wait until tomorrow to do a 2nd one, but then you will be OK??

Dave (@guest_642384)
September 13, 2018 17:58

Bummer. Been sitting at 4/24 for a while. Guess I’ll keep hitting biz cards, but no dbl dip for chase personal. It stings!

SamSimon (@guest_642050)
September 13, 2018 11:31

you guys aware that Chase monitor this website?!

Wany (@guest_642046)
September 13, 2018 11:23

A rare DP here. Friend did CSP and CSR double dip on the same day at end of Aug and got instant approval. He assumed the 90 days starts on the date you confirm receiving the card (I did not think about telling him it start on the day of application), so left the CSP not confirmed yet. This morning, Chase called to let him know he can not have both cards and will close the CSP since its not activated yet. Very unfortunate.

Yoni (@guest_642097)
September 13, 2018 12:43

IIRC I think Chase gives you about 103 and recently upto 115 days to meet MSR.

Alucard (@guest_641967)
September 13, 2018 08:35

applied for my wife the Chase Disney and Chase Freedom same day near the end of July. Although she had relatively newer credit (8months) but everything else was fine, she was denied for one and accepted for the other

Antwann McCall
Antwann McCall (@guest_641964)
September 13, 2018 08:29

I just did the 4/24 scenario last week to hit my trifecta. Sorry community for causing this to happen.

Frank (@guest_641974)
September 13, 2018 09:23

Just be mindful that you might still be rejected, they’ve been calling people and shutting down one card (for some who got through in september)

sam (@guest_641978)
September 13, 2018 09:31

I blame myself too!

sdsearch (@guest_641945)
September 13, 2018 02:15

“4/24. If you were sitting at 4 new cards within the past 24 months you could apply for two Chase cards and get approved for both. Now the second card will be denied.” Is this even confirmed from any datapoint, or is simply an assumption on the part of the person who wrote this up on reddit? I read as an assumption. (Reading through all the reddit DPs, I see no DP about a 4/24 denial where Chase said the second card was denied for 5/24 reasons; it was just denied for being the second card on the same day!)

And it misses the point of how Chase determines 5/24: by checking your credit report. Well, it takes several weeks, sometimes well over a month, before a new card appears on your credit report, so you should have never needed to apply for two cards on the same day if you were 4/24, just within weeks of each other.

So this statement about the death of a loophole for 4/24 is suspicious to me, because whoever wrote it doesn’t seem to understand how the loophole actually worked! That loophole may be dead if you apply on the same day, but wait a week or two?

What we really need to know is if this just affects same day, and if waiting one day is enough, or if there’s a new waiting time between applications at Chase.

Yoni (@guest_642106)
September 13, 2018 12:55

The thread is about double-dipping the Sapphire card family bonus (previously one card family bonus every 24 months of hitting MSR now 48 mo on a single card) .

Prior you could two browser method apply simultaneously and if approved for both CSP and CSR and meet MSR you would get signup bonus for both cards instead of just one card bonus for Sapphire family cards in a 24 month period .

It was also a work around for 5/24 if you were 4/24.

Either way your limited to 2 Chase cards per 30 days not sure I’d this included biz or just personal cards.