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puzociv (@guest_1917087)
September 22, 2024 09:53

Got the $200 bonus + 5% gas and grocery store offer when I visited my local Chase branch (8/22/24)

whirlaway (@guest_1755634)
December 10, 2023 22:21

Any hint/clue on when this offer is going to end?

Abe (@guest_1730937)
November 5, 2023 21:48

I’m planning to close out my CSR – has been open since the product launched. Considering to keep the credit account with a PC to Freedom Flex vs. burn a 5/24 on this offer in favor of SUBs for CSP, BofA Elite, and other richer offers (Amex Plat or Cap One maybe). Am I thinking about that correctly?

I don’t have much gas spending, but probably about $6k/yr in groceries. Opportunity cost vs. current Amex Gold is maybe $60-120 depending on MR/UR preferences (Amex Gold gets the @ work discount on the AF so it’s essentially free after the Uber credits which we use).

Tony (@guest_1770378)
January 4, 2024 01:05

If you PC, you get a new account number. And I remember somebody saying that a PC resulting in a new account number is counted towards 5/24 by Chase, not sure if it’s actually true.

ntn (@guest_1770474)
January 4, 2024 08:29

This isn’t true. I did get a new account number but only because I was switching from a Visa to a MasterCard. My account age/history stayed the same, which means it didn’t affect 5/24.

Mark (@guest_1714127)
October 12, 2023 14:57

Ok, so $200 plus 4% of $12,000 is $680. Not a bad bonus.
(Excluding the 1% you’d normally earn on gas/grocery or any quarterly bonus)

Epsilon (@guest_1708869)
October 4, 2023 15:20

$200 Bonus + 5% Back On Grocery & Gas First Year (Up To $12k Spent) shows up on my referral link for both Flex and Unlimited cards

Randor (@guest_1720923)
October 22, 2023 23:07

Signed the wife up for the Flex version of this today via link on Reddit, not going to repost in case it’s a referral, but these are still out there as of 10/22/23

Ryjolee (@guest_1702265)
September 25, 2023 19:50

Link no longer works, I tried different browsers, incognito mode etc. Pretty bummed about it, I really could have benefitted from it

CuriousGeorge (@guest_1685937)
September 5, 2023 00:21

Looks like this offer is no longer available, it has gone back to the standard $200 cash back offer for both FF and FU cards 🙁

Erin (@guest_1681775)
August 28, 2023 13:40

I already have all Chase zero-annual-fee credit cards. A guy in branch told me that I can’t receive a bonus for one more free CC, he called to CC department to confirm. Is it true? Some ppl here have 5-7 Chase freedom.

Erin (@guest_1681791)
August 28, 2023 14:18

I want a new Chase Flex with bonus and zero APR. I called Chase. She told me that I might be declined bc I already have one. Is the probability of being declined high? What if I downgrade my Chase Flex to CFU? How long should I wait after downgrading? Will they approve?

Gabriel (@guest_1700499)
September 22, 2023 23:58

Can’t believe no one’s answered this but yes, you can have multiples of each card. You just need to call in and product change one of your existing cards to a different product. Ie CFU to CFF for double 5% quarterly limit.

Andrew (@guest_1672361)
August 15, 2023 02:51

With a combined grocery + gas offer this would be a sweet deal – too bad we’ve already earned FF bonuses on the previous offers last year!

The FF 5X category for groceries and Amazon both stack with the 5X grocery bonus to earn 9X (grocery is obvious, Amazon this year allowed for stacking Whole Foods purchases with the grocery welcome bonus). Then gas would stack with the gas quarter. The combined offer would let you earn 9X on 3 of the 4 rotating categories (maybe all four if there is a grocery store that will let you pay with PayPal and would stack with that category in Q4?).

BillT (@guest_1768103)
December 31, 2023 19:09

Just tried to buy Vanilla VGCs at Safeway and only a penny at a time would go through with PayPal. Found your comment searching DoC after this failure lol.

Kevin (@guest_1670653)
August 11, 2023 16:32

I got the offer after trying chrome, firefox, both normal and private browser. Ended up showing up on safari private browser on my phone so I applied there. Confirmed offer when applied. Did not get approved right away but I’m thinking it was because I applied outside of the usual mobile app or logged in online banking. (Already bank and have CSP with them.) They called me a couple of hours later to verify that I indeed wanted to apply for the freedom flex. Approved after verification, got the card expedited. Opened up the mail and saw the usual $200 SUB but nothing about the additional promotion. Activated card and the next business day called to confirm that the offer was applied and I will have 5% back both gas and grocery for the next year! I asked CSR if the wording appears anywhere on my app or account and they said no but they can confirm it is applied on their end. Hope that helps anyone else that was wondering.