Chase has released the 5% category on the Freedom card for the first quarter of 2020:
- Gas stations
- Select streaming services (eligible streaming services include: Netflix, Hulu, Sling, Vudu, FuboTV, Apple Music, SiriusXM, Pandora, Spotify, YouTube and ESPN+)
- Internet, cable and phone services
Gas might be interesting to some, some have had success with convenience stores like 7-11 coding as gas too, though technically it’s probably only going to include pumped gas. Internet and phone isn’t very interesting for those with the INK 5x card, but still could be useful for those without one of those cards. Streaming services gets 6% on Blue Cash Preferred, but some will prefer 5x Ultimate Rewards instead.
Underwhelming for me, personally. These aren’t yet showing publicly, but Chase released the information to affiliates, apparently.
Discover will have Grocery Stores, Walgreens and CVS for the Q1 2020 5% category. Citi Dividend will have Supermarkets and Fitness Clubs.
Paid off device balance with AT&T and got 5%
Been looking for someone who did this! I am thinking about doing this with Verizon.
This is disappointing. My family’s three freedom cards except one for Costco gas will be sock-drawered. I don’t use any streaming services or cable and our phone/internet charges 1.95 fee for paying with a credit card which is equivalent of 5% fee.
Love it.
We have a 7-11 that codes as gas station and sells $500 VGCs.
They do not sell gas. Funny and lucrative quirk.
Doesn’t include youtube red, right?
I changed my BP gas payments to Paypal to get the 5% bonus for this quarter. Do you think I need to switch it back to my Freedom card for next quarter? Asking if it still counts as a gas purchase even if it goes through Paypal.
Almost all streaming services code as one of the telecomm categories that scores 5X on Inks. Poor way to start the year off.
Since the wrap-up of the article mentions the 5% big trhee, why not also ,mention Cashplus 5% first quarter open for activation too?
Well there goes that new years resolution. No maxing out these categories
going to san antonio in q1.. hope to max out gas at 7-11 there…
Disney+ not included? That’s a shame