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The Offer
Check your Chase Offers for the following deal:
- Get 10% back at until a $25 maximum is reached.
The Fine Print
- Expires 8/28/20
- Online only, not valid in stores
Our Verdict
Seems like a lot of people are seeing this, no luck for me. I haven’t heard any reports of this offer on other cards outside Chase.
This one will work across multiple smaller transactions until you spend $250. Looks like Home Depot gift cards are routed through Cashstar and won’t work with this offer.
Hat tip to Frequentmiler
0/10 (for two players) , including 2 business cards. On the other hand, I received a mailer for 15% off up to $200 spent online at So there’s that.
Damn. Could have actually used this. 0/4.
0/5 and 0/2 here. 🙁
Don’t want to add to the noise, but 0/4 and 0/2 here. Might be pretty rare.
0/2 for me 🙁
0/5 personal, 0/2 business. If it was in-store (GCs) then I might care, but otherwise not too exciting for me personally.
Got 5% back, max $13, on a biz card.
0 for a lot.
Will the gift card work if it buy in store?
Duh. Disregard this comment.
Nothing on my CFU.CF, CSP. Very YMMV I guess.