Update: Now available for Hyatt cardholders.
The Chase Offers program officially ended on March 31st. The program was designed to give Marriott & Slate cardholders additional cash back with certain retailers, much like American Express does with their ‘AmEx offers’ program. What’s interesting is that the Chase Offers pages now state (emphasis mine):
- As of April 1st, 2018, the current Chase Offers program has ended. Stay tuned for new and improved promotions from Chase Offers later this year!
It looks like the program will be back later this year, but it’s not entirely clear in what form and if it will be available across all cards or only Marriott/Slate again. My prediction is that it will be available across all cards, there is also a chance that it will be tied into the Chase Investment rewards program as that was one of the options sent out in a recent survey.
Hat tip to Frequent Miler
I hope these come back, but with better deals. I was able to use several and only one didn’t post the credit automatically. An easy SM to Chase and it was credited within a couple of days.
I think I’ve made more from the Bank of America deals than Amex offers though. Let’s hope they all decide to compete and out-do each other. 😀
Oooh! Fingers crossed for a portfolio wide roll-out!
wow. u cant even log in anymore?
Maybe it will work better than this current iteration, which half the time didn’t provide statement credits
Did you follow up on them? Around the 25th/26th I purchased something with the offer activated and it didn’t show on the Chase Offers page. I sm’d Chase and they said to wait until it posted on my CC account. Well, I just checked yesterday and it isn’t even on my statement! Just wondering if you or anyone had anything similar happen to them.
Do you mean the charge hasn’t posted? If the charge hasn’t posted I don’t see how Chase could issue a statement credit yet…
No, for example. I made three purchases with three different offers. All three showed up as pending on chase.com, but on chase offers, only two showed up as pending chase offers. I questioned this and they said that once that particular one went through on chase.com, it would show up on chase offers. Well, the first two went through on chase.com and those two showed up at redeemed on chase offers. The third, disappeared from pending on chase.com and still was pending or anything on chase offers. Now I can’t even screen cap either as chase offers is gone and it literally doesn’t show anything on chase.com. I do however have a confirmation on the website I bought from, so maybe sending that as proof might help?
Really? It worked fine the two times I used it (Lowes and Whole Foods).
As much as I like Chase, American Express Amex Offers are much better.
I think Chase finally realized this and just shut it down until they can at least compete with Amex Offers.
Just my two (2) cents worth.