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The Offer
Check your Chase Offers for the following offer:
- Earn 5% cash back on your purchase, with a $50 cash back maximum, including taxes and after any discounts. Offer expires 12/31/2024
Our Verdict
Max it out by spending $1,000. Deal is better than it seems as has so many sales, you can view current deals by clicking here.
My Chase freedom flex purchase was declined, I just found out that it was coded as “money transfer”. In that sense I guess it was good to be declined.
Also Chase did not contact me about it, no phone call & no email, until I called them about something else to find out.
This whole thing is very strange, anyone had same issue? This can not be unique to me.
I made multiple transactions in a card but got 5% cashback only for one transactions. Transaction date is 30th Nov for all the transactions and cashback received on 5th Dec. I didn’t remember reading that it is valid only for one or first tranctions. Anyone can confirm whether this does not work for multiple seperate transactions?
I am seeing same behaviour in other cards I used. In one of the card, i made few transactions with total 1000$ but I got 5% for one of the transaction which is 80$. So received only 4$ cashback but was expecting 50$
EDIT to add: Chase usually adds the wording, “until a maximum of $ is reached” to indicate multiple transactions.
Anyone knows if the 5% CB from these banks is triggered if I buy Visq GC(which has 6% off by using code)? Thanks.
Can someone confirm under what heading the Chase offer is showing up? I assume shopping but just want to confirm. I have too many chase cards and too many offers to sift through them all.
Chase credit came through, with payment through paypal.
Does Amex count as advanced cash? Or does it count towards SUB?
It’s likely a 3rd option. It counts as a “purchase” but may not count toward a SUB due to the RAT.
Positive DP. Just received email from Chase saying “Congrats! You just earned a statement credit” for a purchase. Already received the 5% back using PayPal at checkout.
randomguy and whoever else is waiting to see if double dip works.
The stack is for the 5% back at on Chase cards plus the extra 5% back category on Chase Freedom cards. Sorry I maybe wasn’t clear about that.
Also confirming Chase offer worked for me too. I didn’t get the email though, but saw the statement credit.
Same. Received the e-mail today.
I paid with PayPal and got the $5 bonus and it triggered the 5% cash back. Thanks for posting!
I see some negative reviews for giftcardsdotcom. Did anyone face any difficulty redeeming gifts cards online bought from this website?
Yes, I have had some difficulty using these over the years.
Also known as GIFTCARDSCOM
So it should work as 9% profit