Chase Q3 2023 Quarterly Categories: Gas Stations, EV Charging, Live Entertainment

The Chase Freedom and Freedom Flex card 5x categories for the third quarter of 2023 have been revealed within the Chase login. The categories will show officially and will be live for activation beginning tomorrow, June 15th, at this link:

Tip: Click this link (login required) to check how far you are along the $1,500.

Chase Freedom, Discover, and Citi Dividend all have Gas as one of their categories for the summer driving season. We still have until the end of today (6/14/23) to activate the Q2 2023 categories of Amazon, Whole Foods, and Lowe’s, and until the end of the month to use up the $1,500 allotment there.

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K2 (@guest_1650274)
July 9, 2023 23:45

Confirmed Today Tix counts for 5% for Live Entertainment.

K2 (@guest_1660093)
July 26, 2023 02:24

5% on Live Entertaiment works well on all venues for Broadway tickets actually.
Todaytix, Telecharge, Lucky Seat, TKTS and ticket purchases at the Winter Garden, Lunt Fontaine Theater, and Broadway Theater all rewarded 5%.

Dean (@guest_1648667)
July 6, 2023 23:47

Los Angeles data point. My online purchase for the John Anson Ford Amphitheatre did NOT trigger the bonus. I guess this might also extend to the Hollywood Bowl and Walt Disney Hall.

Lightspeed (@guest_1634660)
June 15, 2023 00:24

“What is included in the Select Live Entertainment Category?

Merchants in this category sell tickets for live in-person entertainment such as major sporting events, zoos and aquariums, concerts, theatrical productions, museums, tourist attractions and exhibits, amusement parks, circuses, carnivals, bands, and entertainers. Ticket agencies selling on behalf of the entertainment venue are included. Some merchants that sell tickets for in-person entertainment are not included in this category; for example, movie theaters, bowling alleys, horse racing tracks, casinos, and dance hall/clubs. Purchasing from a hotel/concierge is not included nor excursions or purchases as part of a travel package.”

TL;DR: Meh.

Wick (@guest_1635283)
June 15, 2023 22:41

Not bad for a Football (Soccer) game coming up between Real Madrid vs Barcelona. 😀

mark (@guest_1634632)
June 14, 2023 23:18

Chase’s bonus is getting worse and worse, two stores for this quarter and two almost useless categories for many next.

Eric S.
Eric S. (@guest_1635748)
June 16, 2023 14:54

Yeah, it seems like things have gotten way narrower, especially with the CFF launch/CFU refresh in 2020. Restaurants and drug stores used to be in the mix, but I doubt that would be the case.

Even Lowe’s vs. the generic home improvement category that used to pop up in the past feels like a downgrade. Personally, Walmart and PayPal are of little interest to me, but have been the go-to Q4 quarter for awhile, too.

I’d product change, but there’s nothing that’s really worth messing with (have a CSP, CFU would be diminishing returns.) I know I *could* MS or get closed-loop gift cards at a gas station, but I’d much rather just do things organically.

As always, for those who do maximize things and enjoy it, no hate.

Nate nate
Nate nate (@guest_1634609)
June 14, 2023 22:26

Probably the most useless categories for a resident of NYC

Jack (@guest_1635664)
June 16, 2023 12:43

Someday someone will put on some theatrical productions, sporting events, concerts, or open a zoo or museum in New York City. Until then, you’ll just have to fly to Salt Lake City.

Drivesabrowntruck (@guest_1634587)
June 14, 2023 21:28

Is electric charging like a Crossfit, you gotta tell everyone how you do it and don’t realize no one cares?

qmc (@guest_1634932)
June 15, 2023 13:55

I guess you’ll have to start, when the electric UPS trucks arrive

Roger (@guest_1634570)
June 14, 2023 20:51

My local 7-11s do not allow credit cards to purchase gift cards. And the usual big freeway gas stations like TA, Love’s, Pilot, FlyingJ are too far away…

Jesse (@guest_1634569)
June 14, 2023 20:50

Any sense whether purchases at venues (food, beer, merch) will count?

mark (@guest_1634874)
June 15, 2023 12:10

No offense, but anyone spent lots of money at convenient stores really need to see a psychiatrist or to finish HS.

qmc (@guest_1634935)
June 15, 2023 13:56

I think he’s talking about concessions and merch at live entertainment venues, not convenience stores.

Raymond (@guest_1634459)
June 14, 2023 17:29

As an early hydrogen adaptor, I feel I’m left out

sechs (@guest_1634468)
June 14, 2023 17:52

Unless you live in Japan (at which point, I don’t think that this offer applies to you), you’re about two decades behind

Raymond (@guest_1634697)
June 15, 2023 02:31

No, I’m from the future.

sechs (@guest_1634774)
June 15, 2023 08:48

I think you mean the past

Hydrogen-fueled personal vehicles died in California about twenty years ago

They never really took off anywhere else in North America

Jay (@guest_1634356)
June 14, 2023 15:14

I’m thinking of loading to my Amazon gift card before the 2nd Quarter 5X bonus expires at the end of June. Will there be any problems from Chase or Amazon with doing this?

Kevin R
Kevin R (@guest_1634488)
June 14, 2023 18:31

Just make sure the purchases post before the end of June.

Victor (@guest_1634595)
June 14, 2023 22:02

Based on my past experience, purchase should count as bonus category if we make the purchase on the last day of the quarter and the transaction posts relatively fast. But to lean on the safe side, do it a few days early

II (@guest_1634733)
June 15, 2023 05:47

I would not wait till the last few days. I did this when it was PayPal and prepaid $1000 on my electric bill and it didn’t post until the first day of the new quarter and I didn’t get the 5x.

Frey (@guest_1634807)
June 15, 2023 09:49

While I’ve had no issues waiting until the day before the last day, I did have one that took several days to post and missed the end date. I sent an SM with screenshots of the purchase and they credited my missing points.

mojo (@guest_1634573)
June 14, 2023 20:55


No issues. Don’t wait ’til the last day of the month to do this, however. Give yourself an extra day buffer for the transaction to post.