Chase Showing A Pop Up If Ineligible On Marriott Cards

By now everybody should be familiar with the pop up American Express shows when you’re not eligible for a sign up bonus. It looks like Chase is now doing something similar on Marriott cards if you’re ineligible due to holding specific American Express SPG cards (more on those rules here). Pop up is as follows:


I realize this probably isn’t new but it’s the first time I’ve seen this.

Hat tip to reader Mark

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Mily Figueroa
Mily Figueroa (@guest_1068857)
October 6, 2020 11:47

Does anyone know if this pop up still happens when applying to the current Bonvoy Boundless? I just applied and got approved, no pop up window. Does that mean i qualify for the welcome bonus?

cjsjtuee (@guest_721487)
February 13, 2019 00:55

Interesting, I do not have SPG card, and I closed my SPG card more than 1 year ago. When I applied for this card, the this exact same window (in the screenshot) popped up. It says because I have or had a SPG card, I am ineligible for the bonus. However, I thought as long as I closed the card 30 days ago, it should not matter. Isn’t it?

Mike (@guest_714057)
January 30, 2019 00:53

Let’s hope it will actually work, unlike Amex who sometimes doesn’t show the popup, and later denies the bonus without informing the card holder.

Thi (@guest_713445)
January 28, 2019 22:51

I have the SPG personal, that means I have zero chance to get this card, right?

Blootie (@guest_713469)
January 28, 2019 23:41

You can still get the card, you (probably) just won’t receive a bonus

Ty Webb
Ty Webb (@guest_713318)
January 28, 2019 18:21

I have an inconclusive DP to add. I currently have the Amex SPG Biz card. My app for Chase Marriott Biz just went pending. I have Experian currently frozen – I did the Chase app just to test what triggers the popup.

First, I went and signed up for another Marriott rewards account to give a different rewards number. Then I went to the Chase application. I gave a different mailing/business address than is registered with SPG Biz (plus the new Marriott rewards number). No popup.

If it’s SSN alone, Chase should have given me a popup – and didn’t. I was giving same business names – my name as sole proprietor.

I’ll probably lift the freeze if I can actually get this card.

anthonyjh21 (@guest_713365)
January 28, 2019 19:28

Keep us updated please.

CtownBin (@guest_713084)
January 28, 2019 12:35

Great info, thanks DoC.
I wonder how Chase even knows which cards you have with AMEX? If they’re going through Marriott and using the Rewards Number that you put in the app, then I wonder if it would be possible to get the Chase bonuses even if you have one of the disqualifying AMEX cards, simply by putting a different Marriott number in the Chase app (or leaving it blank). Would be great to have more DPs from people who have gotten this popup, as to whether or not they put in the same Marriott number that’s attached to their AMEX cards.

Brandon (@guest_713248)
January 28, 2019 16:42

My assumption is that they use your SSN to identify you instead of Marriott number, cuz you can create tons of Marriott numbers anyway.

CtownBin (@guest_713529)
January 29, 2019 01:40

Right, but Marriott doesn’t have anyone’s SSN. So how could Chase know that a given SSN is attached to a given disqualifying AMEX card?
And even if they somehow know, how would they stop you from applying for both Chase and AMEX cards on the same day- both attached to different Marriott accounts? Neither will know at time of approval that you are disqualified since you aren’t yet, and Marriott won’t know when the bonuses post because they will go into 2 different Marriott accounts.
The only thing that’s clear is that this isn’t so clear… hopefully we see more DPs.

Ty Webb
Ty Webb (@guest_715406)
February 1, 2019 04:03

My take is that a different address is enough to do the trick. Marriott has probably provided Chase with a database of Amex cardholders which has Marriott account number, name and mailing address. Obviously, two different people can have the same name, so that’s enough for them not to give out the bonus. And, there’s nothing stopping people from generating multiple Marriott Rewards accounts. So they’re probably looking for a match of same name at same address. As I posted in a comment, I just did a dummy application (frozen Experian) with a new Marriott number and a different address than my SPG Biz – no popup.

Sam (@guest_713037)
January 28, 2019 11:48

Hopefully this will dull the impact of the 5/24 rule. Sure, some cards you don’t want to get if you’re not getting a bonus, but when you have the CSR or CSP, you’re not really getting the freedom/freedom unlimited cards for the bonuses.

Jason (@guest_713502)
January 29, 2019 00:50

It would also be nice for people who are over 5/24 but, say, are fine getting an MPE without the bonus because they really do intend to get use out of Zone 2 boarding or free checked bags.

JB San Diego
JB San Diego (@guest_713029)
January 28, 2019 11:35

It’s new to me. Also, first time I have seen it, as well.

Dylan (@guest_713023)
January 28, 2019 11:31

This seems good for now, but hopefully chase isn’t gonna catfish you like amex and close your card a few days later after not showing a pop-up.

MoreSun (@guest_713017)
January 28, 2019 11:25

It’s new. Just started happening with this round of Marriott Biz apps