The Offer
- Chase Ultimate Rewards program is offering a 50% transfer bonus when you transfer to IHG. Normally you can transfer at a rate of 1:1 and under this promotion that increases to 1:1.5
The Fine Print
- Valid until August 15, 2022
Our Verdict
This is the first transfer bonus we have seen to IHG. Not worth considering as you can frequently purchase IHG points for 0.5¢ per point. You can see a full list of transfer bonuses by clicking here.
Hat tip to FM
Still not worth it but seeing a 60% transfer bonus now
For Holiday inn…No thx
It’s not bad because I can get a nice Holiday Inn here for about 11,000 points, which will now only cost me about 7,300 points. I do a lot of travel with my CSR, which gets me 3x per point (bulk of my points is this), so it is only 7,300/3 = the amount of money I need to spend to get a free night.
Its really bad because you could just cash out on the CSR/statement credit and then use that money to buy IHG points.
I agree. I use cashback cards to maximize the cash I have to purchase 0.5ccp IHG Points that I can easily spin to 0.8 to 2cpp. Now I just need a way to be able to buy cheap airline miles to match the hotel.
needs to be at least 1:3 for me to consider it.
Why does article title say “50% Transfer Bonus To IHG (1:1.3)”?
DoC hadn’t had their morning coffee yet 🙂
because math is hard 🙂
It’s typo man. Give him a break.
Copy paste error, fixed now
As someone else said here once: because Doc posts and leaves it to the readers to correct. Saves on paying for editing. Smart move: