Citi Changes Bonus Verbiage On Citi Strata Card Premier (No Issue For Most)

Citi has changed the bonus verbiage on the Citi Strata Premier card. Previously it stated:

Bonus ThankYou® Points are not available if you have received a new account bonus for a Citi Premier® or Citi Strata Premier account in the past 48 months

Now it states:

Bonus ThankYou® Points are not available if you received a new account bonus for a Citi Premier® or Citi Strata Premier℠ account in the past 48 months or if you converted another Citi credit card account on which you earned a new account bonus in the last 48 months into a Citi Premier® or Citi Strata Premier℠ account

Only really an issue if you product change an existing card to the Citi Strata Premier.

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Bo (@guest_1999294)
February 6, 2025 12:23

In what situations would the added verbiage be applicable? Does Citi typically provide bonuses for product changing to the Strata Premier?

Bo (@guest_1999330)
February 6, 2025 13:13

Upgraded Points fleshes it out further in this post:

In my case, I received the Premier bonus in 10/2021, thus making me eligible for the Strata Premier bonus until 11/2025. I also have a Custom Cash, which I received the bonus for in 12/2021.

With this change, it sounds like if I upgrade my Custom Cash to a Strata Premier, I would reset my Strata Premier bonus eligibility to 48 months after 12/2021, pushing my eligibility date back to 01/2026.

In my case, I might as well wait until November and submit a fresh application.

Evan (@guest_1999237)
February 6, 2025 11:24

Would really like to pick up the Strata Premier but concerned that I will be locked out of the rumored Strata Elite for 48 months

Komma (@guest_1999197)
February 6, 2025 10:41

I’ve never seen Citi attach the SUB to a product change. Wonder if this was just an option that was selectively available by a rep that was taken away.

NK3 (@guest_1999219)
February 6, 2025 11:06

That is not how I am reading it. I think they are saying if you earn a SUB for a Rewards+ card, for example, and then after a year convert it into a Premier, you are shut out from a Premier bonus for the next few years. You are not getting a SUB to product change, but you got it on a card that you then product changed.

John (@guest_1999183)
February 6, 2025 10:25

Good catch — Personally, I’ve preferred to product change down (not up) to Double Cash or Custom Cash after 1 year (for the sign-up bonus) on premium cards with annual fees like this Citi Strata Premier and the American Airlines ones, so should still be good there.

Man, 48 months really is a long time. 4 years. What else takes that long… Oh no.

John (@guest_1999185)
February 6, 2025 10:25

*presuming there will be another card/election, of course.

NK3 (@guest_1999224)
February 6, 2025 11:10

Citi is getting tougher on approvals for the bigger bonus cards (Premier, AA Platinum, etc). I guess if you were denied multiple times for the Premier, but could open a Rewards+, that would be a way to eventually get a Premier.

John (@guest_1999328)
February 6, 2025 13:12

NK3 I understand and agree with you in-part.

On the AA cards (this is anecdotal so take it as such), over a year ago, I was surprised when P2 was denied for an AA card (nearly same financials that I had used and got approved, she had a pre-existing bank/card relationship, had not opened too many accounts, etc.). Citi’s reasoning was just a ‘nope,’ then a ‘sorry no recon possible,’ almost as if she was blacklisted or there was a macroeconomic reason. A year later, hardly anything had changed on her end, tried again, approved. Odd stuff. ‘Tougher’ indeed. But also indiscriminate.

Daniel (@guest_1999181)
February 6, 2025 10:24

Product changed AND got a bonus for doing so.

Mickey (@guest_1999191)
February 6, 2025 10:32

I’ll bite – how? Was this evident in online banking or explicitly stated prior to the conversion?

Mark Ostermann
Mark Ostermann (@guest_1999216)
February 6, 2025 11:03

I read it as if you got a bonus on the card you PC’d from in the last 48 months. So got a Custom Cash bonus then upgraded to a Citi Premier a year later etc.