Citi Dividend 2020 Q1-Q2 5% Categories Released (Supermarkets, Fitness, Drugstores, Amazon)

Citi has released the 5% categories for the first half of 2020 on their Dividend card:

  • Q1: Supermarkets and Fitness Clubs
  • Q2: Drug Stores and Amazon

Both quarters here will be useful for some. Remember that with the Citi Dividend there’s no $1,500 limit, it’s just an annual $300 cashback limit, so you can spend a full $6,000 in a single quarter on the 5% category and get $300 back. Drug stores is always a favorite, and for some things like supermarkets and Amazon can be interesting as well, depending what other cards you own.


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PJ (@guest_1026955)
July 31, 2020 11:44

Could you please update the categories?

PJ (@guest_1027104)
July 31, 2020 14:39

No image for it?

Joe C.
Joe C. (@guest_967384)
April 29, 2020 10:43

Have others had a hard time enrolling in the 5% cash back? I clicked the button multiple times in March to enroll in the 5% cash back for April-June. I even went on the chat to confirm that I was enrolled and they said I am. Now I just got my statement today and it’s showing 1% cash back for Amazon and Walgreens. I went back onto chat and they told me I’m not enrolled. Have others bumped into this problem with the Citi Dividend card?

Unclesam (@guest_925934)
March 2, 2020 16:03

Do you have to activate before making the purchase or can do it later like Chase? I just realized I had not activated my enrollment and made my first purchase at Supermarket this weekend with the card so wondering if I will get the 5% bonus or not. Activated today so 2 days post purchase.

Eric (@guest_925940)
March 2, 2020 16:06

You have activate it before and it takes 2 or 3 days to take effect. It is unlikely you will receive the 5% on that purchase.

Lord Dima
Lord Dima (@guest_938608)
March 15, 2020 20:46

Eric is correct. Which Citi, it takes some time to activate. I think they even have language to that extend on the activation page (at least they did before).

Ben (@guest_862580)
December 29, 2019 10:12

Called in 3x on Dec 27 to product change my DC to Dividend, was told by every agent that it’s no longer an option (they even read the list of cards I could PC to).

Tyler L
Tyler L (@guest_857458)
December 14, 2019 18:17

Edit: so the dividend is no longer available? But some people are still able to convert to it?

Is the Citi dividend fairly easy to get approved for?

curious for someone with a newish thin credit profile but good score. Seems like this could be a good long-term keeper card.

Midnight (@guest_857663)
December 15, 2019 10:50

At the moment, no applications can be taken for this card and product changes recently to this card have not been allowed. I recently called in to try and see if it was an option but it wasnt available even for a card opened for just over two years.

AB (@guest_856708)
December 12, 2019 20:22

Perfect. Dividend hasn’t had much use the last few years for me. I can max it in Q1 next year and then finally PC it to a Rewards+ card.

Rocky_nnc (@guest_856693)
December 12, 2019 19:57

I can pc my att If it generates 5x typ instead of cash back.. Does it?

Jeremy (@guest_856896)
December 13, 2019 10:10

No, divided is cash

P (@guest_856639)
December 12, 2019 18:22

just chatted with Citi rep. They couldn’t product change my card to this dividend card as it’s less than one year old.

Jeremy (@guest_856898)
December 13, 2019 10:10

That’s the case for most cards/issuers

George (@guest_856594)
December 12, 2019 17:10

guessing im spending 6k in Q2 on amz LOL

Chucks (@guest_856573)
December 12, 2019 16:49

These are some of the best categories I’ve seen on the Dividend in ages.