Deal has ended, view more Citi offers by clicking here.
The Offer
- Citi Offers has an offer for $30 back when you spend $350+ on Airlines
The Fine Print
- Valid 6/1/23
Our Verdict
Nice discount.
Deal has ended, view more Citi offers by clicking here.
Nice discount.
hp . com – $50 Back on a purchase of $501 or more. Expires 07/04
giftcards . com – 1.5% cashback. Expires 07/02
This is not a merchant offer – its targeted via email. I’ve had few of these in the last 6 months(hotel,.airlines, travel) and none of them showed up in merchant offers.
This is correct
None on my Thank you Preferred or Premier cards
Not on any of my 4 Citi cards…
Can this stack with the jetblue offer 50 of 250?
I assume so?
Got this offer on the premier. Triggered successfully buying $350 united travel bank
Not on two custom cash cards under travel section of offers
nothing on prestige, premier or DC
No offer on my citi doublecash or citi custom cash.