[Expired] Citi Offers: Uber & UberEats Deals

Deal has ended, view more Uber deals by clicking here.

The Offer

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  • Citi Offers is again showing offers for Uber:
    • Uber: Get $10 off any ride
    • Uber (version 2): Get $5 back on a purchase of $15 or more
    • Uber Eats: Get $10 back on a purchase of $25 or more

The Fine Print

  • Valid through 11/30/22

Our Verdict

Stack with the SimplyMiles offers for Uber and UberEats. No Uber One offer this time.

Hat tip to BalthazarOfNavarre

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LC (@guest_1495869)
November 25, 2022 14:33

Citi is the worst at tracking these kinds of merchant offers, pretty bad compared to Amex and Chase. I recommend taking screenshots of the offer but even then you might not get the credit. I added one for UberOne $9.99 and 3 months later i hadn’t received the credit so I submitted a dispute (for some reason it was submitted as an ‘unrecognized charge’ which it was not but ok..). I got $9.99 back but then my Uber app asked me to pay them $9.99 again so whatever money they gave me they took from Uber so I have to pay Uber again $9.99 to be able to use the app so ultimately I didn’t get the credit after going through so much hassle

Visavis (@guest_1485948)
November 11, 2022 17:34

I added an offer for $10 off next four Uber rides by end of Nov. I literally login and the offer has been removed (I cant see it on citi anywhere). How lame.

SF (@guest_1480385)
November 5, 2022 05:30

did people ever get credit for these? i used them a while ago when they allowed up to 3 uses each, but the credits never posted; upon further checking i did use paypal, and the rep i contacted said they “Could not see that you have made any spent amount for $25.00”, so maybe that disqualified them…

Sam F.
Sam F. (@guest_1480991)
November 6, 2022 09:13

Generally when you pay via PayPal the merchant *category* will pass through, but the merchant itself will not. If you check your statement, Uber charges paid with PayPal will not show as “Uber” but “PayPal *Uber”. So, an offer for “ground transportation” or “travel” would work when using PayPal, but for a specific merchant will not.

When paying with my Citi card directly I’ve always gotten the merchant offer credits.

SF (@guest_1481039)
November 6, 2022 11:22

that’s good to know – thanks for the explanation👌🏻

FN (@guest_1539497)
January 21, 2023 23:38

Has anyone had luck getting the credit when the charges show as Paypal *Uber? I’m having the same issue and this explanation makes sense. Curious if people have gotten cashback.

lilurbanachiever (@guest_1478483)
November 2, 2022 20:13

Not this time on my MC TY+. Had it twice before but no love this round.

lilurbanachiever (@guest_1479268)
November 3, 2022 18:16

Actually, the offer showed up today. Sweet, on simplymiles too.

David (@guest_1478316)
November 2, 2022 16:30

does it work with uber cash gc purchase?

TB (@guest_1478701)
November 3, 2022 03:36


Ashley (@guest_1479722)
November 4, 2022 10:23

It worked for me last time on $25 (minimum) Uber Cash load. But my Citi offers have also automatically posted so YMMV.

Sam F.
Sam F. (@guest_1480994)
November 6, 2022 09:20

Interesting. A cash load did not work for the AmEx offer recently.

I currently have a PayPal Uber One membership which requires you to pay with PayPal to get the Uber Obe benefits. When you use PayPal the merchant does not pass through. If I could use my Citi card to do a cash load…

Lantean (@guest_1478298)
November 2, 2022 16:15

I guess I am a minority here but I always got merchant offers credited automatically… sometimes it took a while but always got it without contacting them at all.

TB (@guest_1478703)
November 3, 2022 03:37

Yeah people here are usually impatient and cannot embrace Citi’s poor IT and lack of communication

joremero (@guest_1478288)
November 2, 2022 15:54

They are baaaaack, wheeeee

FN (@guest_1478281)
November 2, 2022 15:47

Worked the first time I added it but not the second time. Not sure I’ll bother again.

Johnny Shmurda
Johnny Shmurda (@guest_1478278)
November 2, 2022 15:45

On the last Citi merchant offers for Uber, I had 3/4 post for Uber itself and 1/2 for the Uber One membership. I even talked to c/s on three occasions and they always confirmed that I did meet the requirements. They advised me to wait for the next statement and they wrote some useless note in their system. Citi merchant offers is awful compared to Amex/Chase

Ali (@guest_1478277)
November 2, 2022 15:44

From recent experience.. Uber Eats has started to separate the charge for the order and the tip. I charged $25.01 on my card some time ago. I got a pending charge for $25.01, but eventually the pending charge went away and two new charges posted – one for the order and one for the tip, which added up to $25.01. But since there was no longer a single charge of $25+, the deal didn’t track and I had to get it credited manually.

It makes no sense. Why would Uber separate the tip as its own charge? Don’t they have to pay credit card processing fees twice then?